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[Archport] FW: [BRITARCH] Internet Archaeology: Call for Papers

•   To: archport@lserv.ci.uc.pt
•   Subject: [Archport] FW: [BRITARCH] Internet Archaeology: Call for Papers
•   From: "Marta Diaz-Guardamino" <marta_diaz_guardamino@hotmail.com>
•   Date: Wed, 08 Nov 2006 17:33:01 +0000

por si es de interés, saludos

From: Judith Winters <jcw7@YORK.AC.UK>
Reply-To: editor@intarch.ac.uk
Subject: [BRITARCH] Internet Archaeology: Call for Papers
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2006 17:09:45 -0000

The Editor of Internet Archaeology is actively seeking research
contributions on a variety of themes:

	+ Feasts and Festivals
	+ Journeys
	+ The Archaeology of Children
	+ Medicine, Health and Well-being
	+ Animals


This call is especially, but not exclusively, aimed at those who have not
yet considered Internet Archaeology to be a potential outlet for their work.

Internet Archaeology is the leading international electronic journal for archaeology available on the web and has no print equivalent. The journal covers archaeology worldwide and all article forms are welcome. As long as you've got quality content, then maybe your next publication will be in Internet Archaeology!

Please see http://intarch.ac.uk/call_for_papers.html for details.

Best wishes,

Judith Winters
Editor, Internet Archaeology

Dale rienda suelta a tu tiempo libre. Mil ideas para exprimir tu ocio con MSN Entretenimiento. http://entretenimiento.msn.es/

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