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Re: [Archport] Tesouros e Arqueologia Subaquática

To :   "vasco mantas" <>
Subject :   Re: [Archport] Tesouros e Arqueologia Subaquática
From :   "Alexandre Monteiro" <>
Date :   Sun, 20 May 2007 12:32:27 +0100

Já agora, no seguimento das notícas de ontem, da CNN:

'Suspicions' over treasure ship

Story Highlights

• Report: Spain launches criminal probe over $500 million find in shipwreck
• Culture Ministry says it is "suspicious" about the discovery
• Court records show coins might be from a 400-year-old ship found off England

MADRID, Spain (AP) -- The Spanish government is investigating if a crime was committed by a U.S. company that said it had found $500 million worth of coins in an Atlantic Ocean shipwreck, according to Sunday news reports.

Odyssey Marine Exploration, based in Tampa, Fla., revealed on Friday they had found hundreds of thousands of colonial-era silver and gold coins in the wreck, but didn't release details about the ship or the wreck site, citing security concerns.

The Culture Ministry said it found it "suspicious" that the company didn't release those details, the national news agency Efe reported.

Odyssey did say that the site is beyond the territorial waters or legal jurisdiction of any country.

Earlier this year, Odyssey won permission from the Spanish government to resume a suspended search for the wreck of the HMS Sussex, which was leading a British fleet into the Mediterranean Sea for a war against France in 1694 when it sank in a storm off Gibraltar.

The Spanish Culture Ministry said those permissions to the U.S treasure-hunting firm referred only to exploration and not to extraction, Efe said.

Odyssey had already begun exploration work off southern Spain for the British vessel but suspended it in 2005 after complaints from Spain.

The recovery is being attempted under a deal with the British government, the first such public-private arrangement for an archaeological excavation of a sovereign warship.

Historians believe the 157-foot warship was carrying nine tons of gold coins to buy the loyalty of the Duke of Savoy, a potential ally in southeastern France. Odyssey believes those coins could also fetch more than $500 million.

But under the terms of an agreement, Odyssey will have to share any finds with the British government. The company will get 80 percent of the first $45 million and about 50 percent of the proceeds thereafter.

Calls to the Spanish Culture Ministry on Sunday morning went unanswered.



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Em 19/05/07, Alexandre Monteiro <> escreveu:
Não é arqueologia, nem são salvados marítimos, é pura caça ao tesouro. O único ponto positivo nisto tudo é o facto de, sendo tantas e iguais, cada moeda se depreciar até atingir o valor do seu peso em metal... logo não serão os tais 500 milhões.

Relembro que esta empresa andou a rondar Portugal, aquando do famigerado decreto lei 89/93 e que a nova Convenção do Património Cultural Subaquático, não impedindo que se faça caça ao tesouro em águas internacionais, permite que os países de onde são oriundos os caçadores ou onde se pretenda armazenar e/ou alienar o espólio recolhido, os possa penalizar / punir. 
Relembro igualmente que a questão da origem do naufrágio não é despicienda: a Espanha já levou a tribunal uma empresa que pilhou dois naufrágios espanhóis (as fragatas Juno e La Galga) em águas norte-americanas - e ganhou.

Em 19/05/07, vasco mantas <> escreveu:

> Caros Archportianos e  caras Archportianas
> Nova grande descoberta subaquática a Sudoeste da costa inglesa! Milhares de moedas de prata e de ouro recuperadas, através de uma operação rodeada de total secretismo, pela empresa Odissey Marine Exploration (nem sequer se conhece o tipo de moedas, nem a identidade do navio, talvez do século XVII). Mas o valor já foi anunciado pelos operadores: 500 milhões de dólares!
> A operação é designada como salvage. Creio que savage seria mais correcto. Isto é arqueologia? Triste mundo e pobre sociedade em que se confunde ciência com lucro.
>                               Vasco Gil Mantas (FLUC)
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