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[Archport] Underwater Archaeology Into the Classroom: A Teaching Resource From the MUA

To :   archport <>
Subject :   [Archport] Underwater Archaeology Into the Classroom: A Teaching Resource From the MUA
From :   "Alexandre Monteiro" <>
Date :   Wed, 26 Sep 2007 19:03:13 +0100

Dear Teachers and Parents:

The Museum of Underwater Archaeology is pleased to announce its latest
endeavor: "Holding History in Your Hand," a program for classroom
teachers. This program, entitled "Artifact Analysis" uses a hands-on
exercise to teach students how underwater archaeologists learn about
people by studying the things they left behind. Through a class
discussion of their observations students learn the importance of
provenience, context, and conservation. They will learn to make that
important step from discussing things to discussing people.

"Holding History in Your Hand" supplies the teacher with a written
curriculum presenting the archaeological process, replicas of
artifacts for hands on examination, bookmarks, a CD with additional
videos of underwater archaeologists at work, other activities for
further exploration, and back up copies of all documents teachers can
download for future reference.  The classroom activities are
supplemented by the MUA's online exhibit "A Children's Introduction to
Underwater Archaeology."  The only cost to teachers is for shipping
and handling for sending and returning the materials to the MUA.
Please see the Teaching Resource link in the left side navigation menu
to download a PDF description for your school at:

We're also excited to announce that the MUA will take part in The
Archaeological Institute of America's Archaeology Fair held at the
Boston Museum of Science on October 4 – 5, 2007.  We will hold special
sessions for the visiting school classes and man a table with
information about the new "Holding History in Your Hand," program and
the MUA's other projects.   A sample kit will be on display. We will
be happy to answer any questions you might have. Please stop by if
you're in the area and say hello. We look forward to meeting you!  For
more information visit the Boston Museum of Science website at:

Best regards,

T Kurt Knoerl
The Museum of Underwater Archaeology

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