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[Archport] Fw: [BRITARCH] EAA Job Section

To :   <>
Subject :   [Archport] Fw: [BRITARCH] EAA Job Section
From :   "Lucia Afonso" <>
Date :   Thu, 12 Jun 2008 10:43:56 -0400

----- Original Message ----- From: "Seren Langley" <serenlangley@BRITARCH.AC.UK>
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 5:17 AM
Subject: [BRITARCH] EAA Job Section

Dear colleagues

On behalf of the European Association of Archaeologists
<>  (EAA) - the association for all professional
archaeologists of Europe and beyond - I would like to inform you of a
new service which we have developed for employers in the archaeology and
heritage sectors, and for archaeologists seeking employment.

This is our new Jobs Service. This will operate on a pan-European basis,
and is intended to enable employers to match their positions to the best
candidates; and to enable those seeking work to find jobs in their area
of competence, not only in their own country but across Europe.  This is
what makes our Service different from, and better than, existing jobs
databases: it will cross national boundaries in ways that are not
currently possible, and offer employers a much wider pool of candidates
for their jobs.

The Service is primarily intended to enable employers to advertise job
vacancies, but it can also be used to advertise voluntary work,
co-operation on research projects, archaeological field schools and
training courses for students, and to browse the CVs of those seeking
work. Those seeking jobs will be able to browse the lists of vacancies,
and contact employers direct.

There are two ways to make use of this facility: you can either enter
your vacancies directly into the online database by going to our website
at <>  and following the
links, or you can contact Magdalena Turkova on
<> . Magda can then post brief details of your
vacancy on the website, with a link to your organisation.
The database already offers the possibility of browsing by
archaeological specialism. In due course we will set up separate
sections of the service by country, if the demand justifies it.

We are sure you will agree that this service will be of great benefit to
both employers and potential employees in the coming years. We look
forward to working with you, and hope to hear from you.

Best wishes,
Anthony Harding
President of the EAA

EAA Secretariat
European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) c/o Institute of Archaeology CAS Letenska 4
118 01 Praha 1
Czech Republic

Mensagem anterior por data: Re: [Archport] Arqueologia Experimental Próxima mensagem por data: Re: [Archport] Destino Incerto para a Biblioteca, Arquivo e Publica çõ es do ex-IPA
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [Archport] Fw: [BRITARCH] Community Engagement: Call for Papers Próxima mensagem por assunto: [Archport] Fw: [BRITARCH] FW: Public History Conference, Liverpool, 10-12 April 2008