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[Archport] Fw: [BRITARCH] FW: Public History Conference, Liverpool, 10-12 April 2008

To :   <>
Subject :   [Archport] Fw: [BRITARCH] FW: Public History Conference, Liverpool, 10-12 April 2008
From :   "Lucia Afonso" <>
Date :   Wed, 9 Jan 2008 10:21:35 -0500

----- Original Message ----- From: "Don Henson" <donhenson@BRITARCH.AC.UK>
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 5:08 AM
Subject: [BRITARCH] FW: Public History Conference, Liverpool, 10-12 April 2008

Registration is now open for the conference 'PUBLIC HISTORY', organized
by the Institute of Historical Research, University of London;
University of Liverpool; and National Museums Liverpool.  This is the
annual winter conference of the IHR, 2008.

Conference website:

This major international conference develops debates 'on the uses of
history for public purposes and the involvement of the public in the
study and consumption of history' that began with conferences at the IHR
in February 2006 and Swansea University in 2007. It offers a meeting
ground for those in the higher education, museums, heritage, and
commercial sectors, and members of the public.

Some 50 speakers from seven countries in three continents will explore
the nature of the relationship between academic history, museums, the
heritage sector, and popular culture; current issues in the
investigation, preservation, and presentation of historic environments
and museum collections; and the challenges that public history and
'knowledge transfer' pose for the professional practice of scholars,
their scholarly values and ethics.

Disciplines represented include History, Architecture, History of Art,
Archaeology, Museum Studies, Film Studies.

Keynote addresses

*         Sandy Nairne, Director, National Portrait Gallery, London
*         Rt. Hon. Frank Field, M.P.

Other key speakers include:

Public History Professors
*         Rebecca Conard, Middle Tennessee State University
*         David Dean, Carleton University, Canada
*         Thomas Thurston, Yale University
*         Helen Weinstein, University of York

Museum Directors
*         Kevin Fewster, National Maritime Museum, London
*         Christoph Grunenberg, Tate Liverpool
*         Wayne Modest, Institute of Jamaica
*         Lonnie Bunch, National Museum of African American History and
Culture, Smithsonian Institution, Washington

Early registration recommended.

Please circulate this email as appropriate.


Dr Holger Hoock                                           Prof. David
Reader in British History                                 Director
University of Liverpool                                   Institute of
Historical Research

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