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[Archport] Call for Papers - TAG 2008 - solicita-se divulgação

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Subject :   [Archport] Call for Papers - TAG 2008 - solicita-se divulgação
From :   "Mariana Teodosia Lemos C.B. Diniz" <>
Date :   Mon, 8 Sep 2008 15:23:35 +0100


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Call for papers


FAIR ARCHAEOLOGY ? Building Bridges after the Gap

MARIANA DINIZ (Centro de Arqueologia -Universidade de Lisboa)

Archaeology was for a long time an occidental, white, male, empowered science that actively contributes to build gaps between peoples, nations, and ethnic/religious/gender groups.

Today many archaeologists are using all political potential of their knowledge to build a fair world, breaking down traditional barriers between scientists and all kinds of publics, between former colonial nations and indigenous people, between sates and nations, between war winners and war losers, between men and women and so on.

Being so this session welcomes any archaeologist who tries to build bridges instead of gaps, doing what we can call Fair Archaeology. Fair Archaeology is not intended as a new branch of a major discipline but as a new way of being in the discipline.

Sometimes Fair Archaeology will be regarded as controversial archaeology while giving voice to those who where for so long shut up. But since archaeology lost its innocence this is a small price to pay for thinking contemporary world throughout the past.

Mensagem anterior por data: Re: [Archport] ainda os "anúncios" Próxima mensagem por data: [Archport] Colloque La Révolution néolithique dans le monde
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [Archport] Call for Papers - IºCongresso Internacional sobre Arqueologia de Transição (2ªfase) Próxima mensagem por assunto: [Archport] CALL FOR PARTICIPATION :: VI CONGRESSO DE ESTUDOS RURAIS :: Entre heranças e emancipações: desafios do rural :: Instituto de Ciências Sociais - ULisboa :: 16, 17 e 18 de Julho de 2015