-----Original Message-----
From: Jenny Compton [mailto:jennycompton@sapo.pt]
Sent: 27 November 2009 09:44
Subject: Staffordshire gold hoard
Following the discovery in the UK of a large(!) hoard of Saxon gold
items -
valuation has now been completed by the coroner.
This is the normal procedure when items are registered as 'treasure trove'
The 'reward' will be shared between the finder and the landowner.
Unfortunately since this discovery there appears to have been an increase
the sale of metal detectors in the UK. The police and archaeologists alike
have also noticed an increase in illegal 'night hawking' - (when
unauthorised people trespass on listed monuments and on open farm land in
the hope of discovering valuable items which they then sell on). Some
forces organise patrols in areas where there are thought to be night
activities. The people who carry out this illegal activity are breaking
law and have been known to be violent when approached. They have no
in the archaeological value of any finds.
These people have also been known to attend the coroners' courts to try to
find out where the items have been found.
Unfortunately at present the trespass law in this respect is not very
and so the fines do not deter the illegal activity.
A lot of these sites are in the countryside and so have no real protection
during the night when the archaeologists are not there. I know of some
archaeologist who scatter iron nails on their sites to try to confuse the
'treasure hunters'.
But not all metal detectorists behave in an illegal way and there are a
of registered clubs/groups who work successfully with the archaeologists
also some individuals like the finder of the Staffordshire hoard behave in
responsible way and this in turn benefits both the finder and the
archaeological record.
Anyway I think he would have found it difficult to sell it all on ebay
without attracting some attention!
Below is the latest news from the Daily Telegraph and also of interest is
the information about the Portable Antiquities scheme on
The British Archaeology magazine will soon publish the November/December
issue online. Front cover shows part of the hoard in situ with a detailed
article inside! www.britarch.ac.uk/ba/