[Archport] Not only in Staffordshire
Understandably the discovery of the Saxon hoard in Staffordshire UK has
created great interst in the press and beyond with thousands of memebrs of
the public queuing to see the treasure. However other Saxon finds over the
past few years should also be considerd as important in the study of the
Saxon settlement of Britain.
I was fortunate to have worked on the cemetery site described on the website
All of the burials contained grave goods raging from a simple iron knife
through to spear heads, shield bosses and at least 2 iron swords. Copper
alloy buckles and brooches were also found as were a huge number of coloured
glass beads and also examples in amber.
The site had not been disturbed which was fortunate as the cemetery was very
shallow as can be seen by the photograph on the page.
Illegal metaldetecting has been a severe problem in this area of SE England
as well as elsewhere in the UK but fortunatley they missed this site
especially as it was in the grounds of a college of further education and
the discovery of the site attracted a lot of public interest.