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[Archport] Voluntários para campanha de arqueologia subaquática no Chipre (inclui avião, cama e mesa)

To :   archport <>
Subject :   [Archport] Voluntários para campanha de arqueologia subaquática no Chipre (inclui avião, cama e mesa)
From :   Alexandre Monteiro <>
Date :   Mon, 29 Mar 2010 02:56:46 +0100

The 2010 Field Season of the Mazotos Wreck Project, Cyprus

THE PROJECT: beginning in November 2007, the Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus (under Dr Stella Demesticha) in collaboration with the Department of Antiquities of Cyprus has carried out an underwater project at a shipwreck on Cyprus’s south coast, 14 miles southwest of Larnaca. Its cargo consists mainly of Chian amphoras and has been dated provisionally to the 3rd quarter of the 4th century BC.

The main visible feature of the site is an oblong concentration of amphoras on a sandy, almost flat seabed. The previous field seasons were devoted to the mapping of the site, mainly using photogrammetry.

The 1st full excavation season will be conducted at the site in May 2010, for 5-6 weeks. Because of the delayed issue of the permit, all the necessary arrangements have to be made on very short notice. Thus, this season is considered as a pilot one for the future, as we are going 
a) to test our equipment and methods 
b) form our team and 
c) establish the basis for further research on various aspects of the site.

For those who wish to participate, here are the basic practical aspects of the project:

1. DATES: 1st May – 15 June 2010.

2. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE: the needs of the project in human resources are diverse:

maritime archaeologists
experienced divers willing to assist in archaeological work
surveyors and mapping specialists
computer specialists
people with experience in field projects

3. DIVING. Due to the depth (-45 m) and the distance from the shore (approx 1.5 mile), we have to be twice as careful with diving and safety. So,

a. Diving Qualifications: Because all dives are planned decompression dives (with Nitrox mixtures up to 100%) the minimum qualifications are Advanced NITROX and Decompression procedures.

b.  Decompression Chamber: The team members have immediate access to a Decompression Chamber Unit in Larnaca, the closest city to the wreck site (maximum 30 min). The chamber will be on standby during the project.

c. Equipment. Each member is asked to bring their own: wet or dry suit, regulators (DIN preferably), BCD, mask, fins, gloves, knife. The average water temperature is expected to be 18-20° C.

d. Program. The plan is decided by the Chief Divers of the project: Phaedon Antonopoulos and Christos Patsalides. We dive once a day.

e.  Insurance. All divers should be covered by an insurance program which covers the diving required for the project: DAN Sports Diver Silver membership (THIS covers dives beyond 40 m.) or equivalent.

4. EXPENSES: The project offers covers fully accommodation and daily meals. For those who can stay a minimum of 2 weeks, airfare is also covered.

Please send your CV and the dates that you can participate in the project at the earliest possible date to Stella Demesticha:

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