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[Archport] Call for excavation in Ammaia (Alentejo)

Subject :   [Archport] Call for excavation in Ammaia (Alentejo)
From :   "Prof. Frank Vermeulen" <>
Date :   Thu, 8 Apr 2010 15:51:40 +0100 (WEST)

Dear all,

This is a call for participation in Excavations in Ammaia, campaign 2010

Period:  5th -24th July

Scientific directors : Prof. F. Vermeulen - Prof. C. Corsi  (Uevora)

Organisation : Universidade de Èvora (CIDEHUS), in collaboration with
Universitá di Cassino (I), Ghent University (B) and Fundação Cidade de

The excavations are open to students in archaeology and researchers at all
levels and to experienced excavators from within Portugal and abroad. As
the participants form an international team, the working language will be

Food and accommodation will be provided, free of charge, in the centre of
the Parque Natural da Serra de São Mamede close to the excavation site of
the Roman town of AMMAIA (Marvão, Alentejo)

The 2010 season of work will involve participation in the excavation of
parts of the Roman forum, geophysical surveys near the town centre and
finds processing and documentation.

The meeting ?in situ? for the 2010 campaign is on the evening of 3th July
in Castelo de Vide.

Applications, with a brief CV, should be submitted, by 15th May at the
latest, to F. Vermeulen:

Prof. Frank Vermeulen
Research Professor (Investigador Coordenador)
CIDEHUS - Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades da
Universidade de Évora
Palácio do Vimioso
Apartado 94
Tel: +351 266 706 581
Fax: +351266 744 677

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