Postdoctoral fellow ? Coastal Archaeology
Rennes 1 University, France
Subject: ARVOR - Integrated study of the coastal heritage of Brittany: archaeology, landscapes and vulnerability
24 months post-doctoral position
In the past millenniums the European coasts appear as attractive areas for the human communities. From early Prehistory up to present days, these communities interacted with the environment, and significantly contributed to shape the landscapes. Nowadays, sea level rise and coastal erosion, combined with human pressure threaten the natural and cultural heritage of the coasts, especially the archaeological remains. The ARVOR project aims at an integrated study of these coastal cultural landscapes, and more precisely:
1. A diachronic analysis of the coastal human past occupations as an illustration of environmental evolution and coastline changes through several case study areas distributed in the Brittany region: Quiberon peninsula and Belle-Île, Hoedic and Houat islands (Morbihan), Léon region (northern Finistère), and baie de Lannion et îles du Trégor (Côtes d'Armor).
2. The development of research tools for the management and valorisation of the cultural heritage i.e. analysis of the vulnerability of the coastal heritage, valorisation and dissemination of the results at regional, national and international levels.
To this aim, the OSUR coastal team seeks applications to a post-doctoral position, in this interdisciplinary project.
Time table
Months 1 to 12. Archaeological and geographic study of the cultural heritage within the considered coastal and island areas of Brittany, contribution to coastal changes illustration and evolution modelling.
Months 13 à 24. Elaboration of tools for research, heritage management and valorisation centered on vulnerability and coastal erosion analysis.
- First step: Archaeological inventories, data compiling and integration and geoarchaeological analysis, (desk based and fieldwork, surveys), using Geographic Information Technologies, Digital Field.
- Second step: a- Use of an existing methodology dedicated to the heritage vulnerability analysis (Vulnerability Evaluation Form - VEF). b- A contribution to new approaches on coastal erosion measurement (Laser 3D and Lidar as a control tool).
Research context
The ARVOR project will contributes to the dynamics generated within the OSUR coastal team. The scientific background of the coastal team of the OSUR guarantees a theoretical, human and methodological support to this project. Tools such as the VEF and applications 'Alert' and 'Alert mobile' have been developed in this framework. The access to archaeological data will be facilitated in the UMR 6566 CReAAH framework. The technical and computer platforms of the OSUR and CReAAH insure access to software and tools: ArcGIS, SPSS, laser 3D.
The post-doctoral fellow will benefit from the widely recognized expertise of the involved teams in this area.
Application conditions
- The position will be funded though a regional support to the Rennes 1 University (priorities "attractiveness" and "knowledge and valorisation of the Breton identities and heritage), in addition with mediums provided by the European "Arch Manche" project (Interreg IVa).
- The duration of the position is 24 months; starting date may 2013 at the latest.
- Non French Phd
- or French Phd who has spent at least 12 months in a foreign country during the last 3 years.
The ideal candidate should thus have a solid background in archaeology and/or geoarchaeology and be interested in using recently developed analytical techniques; an experience in coastal archaeology would be welcome. Applicants must have the ability to work in a team, have good communication skills and should be highly motivated and committed to pursuing such interdisciplinary research. They must also have demonstrated record of presenting and publishing research results.
The postdoctoral fellow will rely on national and international collaborations, especially in the frame if the European Arch-Manche (Interreg IVa).
The project will also rely on close collaborations with Marie-Yvane Daire (CNRS, UMR CReAAH Centre de Recherche en Archéologie, Archéosciences, Histoire, Rennes 1 university, France), Elias López-Romero (Fellow researcher of the UMR CReAAH Centre de Recherche en Archéologie, Archéosciences, Histoire), Jean-Noël Proust (CNRS, Rennes 1 university, France) and Hervé Regnauld (Rennes 2 university).
Applications including a detailed CV and a motivation letter should be sent by email to
Dr. Marie-Yvane Daire (
ARVOR call Postdoctoral fellow.doc
Description: application/unknown-application-x-unknown-application-octet-stream
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