[Archport] O contributo da arqueologia de contrato para o conhecimento das principais cidades romanas na Britannia
Caros Archportianos:
aqui está uma belíssima iniciativa da parceria Universidade de Reading / English Heritage / Cotswold Archaeology e Roman Society:
O contributo da arqueologia de contrato para o conhecimento das principais cidades romanas na Britannia.
Vejam o que se pretende:
"A day conference to discuss and debate the contribution of developer archaeology to the study of the major Romano-British towns (coloniae and civitas capitals). The papers will demonstrate the value of commercial work, and highlight the areas where much has been learnt, and also those where comparatively little progress has been made. The emphasis will be on those historic towns of England which have seen significant commercial work, as opposed to the largely greenfield sites where there has been much less developer work. The papers will help to inform future curatorial strategies and assist in the setting of research objectives for future investigations.
The conference will appeal to academics; professional practitioners and others with an interest in all aspects of Romano-British urbanism.
The papers will be published in a volume edited by Michael Fulford and Neil Holbrook in 2014."
Não vos parece uma óptima ideia, que poderia ser replicada aqui em Portugal ?
Alguém quer pensar / debater seriamente essa hipótese?
Pela minha parte, estou disponível para colaborar na organização.
Carlos Fabião