Call for Papers
Congresso Internacional: “Relações transatlânticas entre a Europa, América e as Ilhas Atlânticas. ”
International Congress “Transatlantic relations between Europe, America and the Atlantic Islands”
Caros colegas,
Apresentam-se os temas e conteúdos do Congresso Internacional: Relações transatlânticas entre a Europa, América e as Ilhas Atlânticas, a realizar em Santa Maria, Região Autónoma dos Açores, Portugal, entre 1 e 5 de Maio de 2014.
Consulte aqui a página: http://transatlanticcongress.pt.vu/
Dear colleagues,
The Centre for the Study of Modern and Contemporary Archaeology (CEAM) and its partner institutions are pleased to announce the organization of the 1st International Congress “Transatlantic relations between Europe, America and the Atlantic Islands”.
Being aware of your previous research and interests, we would like to invite you to attend the Conference.
The application should contain: author’s name and address, title, summary and proposed type of the presentation.
Time and place: VILA DO PORTO – SANTA MARIA ISLAND, AZORES - PORTUGAL, 1st – 5th May, 2014.
The main subject of the Colloquium:
Material Civilization - Levels of wealth; Heritage; Food and consumption; Ceramics; Artefacts and symbolic/religious utilitarian equipment; Transports and communication
Economy - Industry and manufacturing; Techniques and technology; Energy resources; Internal and external trade; Labor; Urban and rural property
Natural Sciences - Natural History; Agriculture and fisheries; Settlement and landscapes; Anthropology
E-mail: rteaia.congress@gmail.com / ceamarqueologia@sapo.pt
Website: http://transatlanticcongress.pt.vu/ (please do visit the site for updates regarding organization).
Please make this call for papers known to your institution and other scholars you might consider interested in our colloquium.
We look forward to welcoming you
Yours sincerely,
The Organizing Committee
Centro de Estudos de Arqueologia Moderna e ContemporÂnea (CEAM)
Estrada Padre Alfredo Vieira de Freitas, n.º 101, 9100-070, Gaula, Santa Cruz - Portugal
Telefone: (00351) 291 526581
Fax: (00351) 291 526581
Site: www.ceam.pt
Centro de Estudos de Arqueologia Moderna e Contemporânea (CEAM)
Estrada Padre Alfredo Vieira de Freitas, n.º 101, 9100-070, Gaula, Santa Cruz - Madeira, Portugal
Telefone: (00351) 291 526581
Fax: (00351) 291 526581
Site: www.ceam.pt