Dear Colleague,
The Workshop on Robotics and Mathematics—ROBOMAT’07 will be held in
Coimbra, Portugal on September
17-19, 2007.
The workshop is organized by the International Centre for Mathematics.
This workshop will aim at discussing several problems from Robotics
from the perspective
of the mathematical problems that they raise. It will be a forum where
specialists with backgrounds both in Engineering and Mathematics will
have an
opportunity to discuss relevant research issues not from the point of
view of
the application but essentially from the point of view of the
models and principles required to solve them.
Some of the topics relevant for the workshop are:
Algebraic and differential topology.
Differential geometry
Dynamic systems theory.
Optimization algorithms.
Differential algebraic inequalities.
Statistical learning theory.
Invited lectures by:
--Prof. Henrik Christensen
--Prof. David Mumford
--Dr. Raja Chatila
The deadline for submission of extended abstracts (2 pages) to the
Robomat’07 workshop is June 30, 2006.
Then extended abstracts should be submitted to
Additional details are available at the Workshop website:
Due to your research activities in the field, we would like to invite
you to
submit a contributed paper. Your contribution is mostly welcome and we
would be
honoured if you could participate in the Workshop.
We appreciate very much your interest in participating in ROBOMAT’07.
Domingos Moreira Cardoso
Universidade de Aveiro,
Departamento de Matemática
3810-193 Aveiro - Portugal
Tel. 351-234370661
Fax 351-234382014