Gostava que partilhassem esta call for paper na Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review se for possivel:
Dear colleague,
We hope this email finds you well and safe.
We are editing a Special Issue on “Optimization and Data Science in Sustainable Public Transport and Logistics” in Transportation Research Part E.
The deadline is 31st October 2022.
Below you can find the Call description and details on the submission process. Here is also the link to
the Part E page.
We welcome highly original and innovative studies, in particular this special issue strongly encourages the submission of manuscripts with a clear methodological contribution aimed
to solve open transformative problems in transport and logistics by means of dedicated methods.
We hope to receive many valuable contributions!
Best regards,
Marcella Samà, Gonçalo Homem de Almeida Correia, Andrea D’Ariano,
Special Issue Editors
Call for paper on the Special issue: Optimization and Data Science in Sustainable Public Transport and Logistics
Increasing attention to sustainability, together with the opportunity created by the recent technological shift to modern Information and Communication Technologies, is leading to the development of resource-effective
and intelligent solutions for Transit and Logistics. This Special Issue addresses complex practical problems at strategic, tactical and operational levels, with the aim gathering insights on how the technological shift and new policies have affected these
domains. Operations Research, Machine Learning, Prescriptive and Predictive Analytics should be exploited to tackle the increased complexity. We invite authors to contribute with innovative methodologies and results, including managerial insights and important findings
on solving these problems.
Special issue information:
Sustainability is a transformative new goal both in transit and logistics, due to the implementation of several new policies introduced by, e.g., the European Commission, which is strongly pushing industries and investments into transitioning toward a climate-neutral
economy. For instance, one of the EU 2050 goals is the modal shift of at least 50% of its freight transport on rail. This means new challenges for the infrastructure and traffic flow management, the logistics in the yards and stations, effectively moving well-established
streams of research & innovation into new directions.
The increasing attention to sustainability, together with the opportunity created by the recent technological shift to modern Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), is leading to the development of resource-effective and intelligent solutions for
the various planning and operational processes in Transit and Logistics. With the explosion of innovative information technology services, the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Big Data phenomenon, new problems are arising, opening interesting
opportunities for a large number of innovative applications and research directions in these fields. For example, the spreading of smart card-based automated fare collection systems in mass transit allows for a microscopic view of passenger flows and behaviors,
and thus the possibility of including their influence in mass transit management.
In fact, even classical problems, such as public transport timetabling or delivery problems, are still getting enriched by new elements. KPIs previously understudied, especially the ones linked to sustainability, are now front and center on the research scene.
The classical objectives of reducing costs (both economic and social) and providing an efficient service are being combined with the reduction of the negative impacts (e.g., congestion, noise, pollution, inequality), as well as with the introduction of new
technologies, for example Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) such as drones, or electrical/hydrogen powered vehicles. This results in the rise of newly customized problems, often represented by large, integrated optimization models, with numerous complex constraints
and decisions variables, which may not be easily solved by off-the-shelf commercial solvers or analyzed through simulation. Additional algorithmic efforts and/or more sophisticated methods are thus required.
This Special Issue (SI) addresses complex practical problems in public transport and logistics at strategic, tactical and operational levels, for example optimization, planning and control of railway and airline operations, urban transportation systems, shared
mobility, flexible transportation modes, distribution logistic, freight transport, last-mile-logistics, and so on. Its aim is to gather insights on how the technological shift and the new policies have affected the transit and logistic streams of research.
This means that classical problems that do not include innovative elements are outside the scope of this SI. At the same time, just modelling the new problems and solving them with classical means is not enough. The increased complexity of the new problems
requires technology-driven methodologies to solve/analyze them. Operations Research, Machine Learning, and Prescriptive and Predictive Analytics have to be exploited to tackle the increased problem complexity.
We invite authors to contribute with innovative methodologies and results, particularly those that can contribute with practical managerial insights and important findings to solve challenging, current and future, problems in transit and logistics. We seek
papers that present research that makes a substantial new contribution, where authors explicitly show the scientific advances compared to previously published related literature. Expert in Transport and Logistics Management and Economics, as well as Operations
Research, Machine Learning, Prescriptive and Predictive Analytics are encouraged to submit highly significant and impactful studies that solve and/or analyze the previously discussed problems. This special issue strongly encourages the submission of manuscripts
with a clear methodological contribution aimed to solve open transformative problems by means of dedicated methods covering, but not being limited, to the following topics/aspects:
• Exact methods and algorithms;
• Evolutionary algorithms;
• Heuristics, Hyper-heuristics, Math-heuristics and Meta-heuristics;
• Integration of Operations Research, Data Science and Machine Learning;
• Linear, Logistic and other regressions methods;
• Parallel and distributed computing;
• Advanced techniques in Data Science, Operation Research and Machine Learning.
This Special Issue is sponsored by the AIROYoung Researchers Chapter ( of
the Italian Operational Research Society (AIRO AIROYoung
is a successful initiative with the groundbreaking purpose to develop an international well-recognized community of young researchers in Operations Research and related fields. Through several communication and dissemination channels, AIROYoung provides young researchers
with highly relevant opportunities to advance their careers and expand their business networks by enhancing the exchange of ideas and impactful results among the different types of involved researchers.
Submissions are encouraged from (but not limited to) participants to the 6th AIROYoung Workshop (,
as well as from the EUROYoung community (
and from all other researchers and practitioners, both from academia and industry, working on the presented topics.
Manuscript submission information:
Submission process and papers must adhere to the normal author guidelines of Transportation Research Part E: Logistics & Transportation Review, which can be found at:
Submitted articles must not have been previously published or currently submitted for journal publication elsewhere. Please follow, accurately, the submission guidelines which can be found on the journal website.
All submissions to the Special Issue should be submitted via the Transportation Research Part E online submission system.
When you submit your paper to the Special Issue, please choose article type “OptimizedTransitLogistics” otherwise your submission will be handled as a regular manuscript.
Papers submitted to this Special Issue will be subject to a double-blind review process.
Publication Schedule
• TRE journal submission site opens for manuscript submission: 01 03 2022.
• Deadline for manuscript submission: 31 10 2022.
• Publication date: In a continuous mode.
Public Transport, Shared Mobility, Logistics, Artificial Intelligence, Operations Research, Simulation, Data Analysis
Guest editors:
Andrea D’Ariano, Roma Tre University
Gonçalo Homem de Almeida Correia, Delft University of Technology
Marcella Samà, Roma Tre University
Best regards,
Dr. ir. Gonçalo Homem de Almeida Correia
Associate Professor
of multimodal urban transport and smart mobility
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Department of Transport & Planning
Coordinator of the Traffic and Transport track of the Civil Engineering master program
Co-director of the hEAT Lab
Editor-in-chief Journal of Advanced Transportation
Associate Editor IEEE-ITS-M and IEEE-Open-ITS
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