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First Announcement and Call for Papers 25yh Mini-EURO Conference on Uncertainty and Robustness in Planning and Decision Making http://www.inescc.pt/urpdm2010 University of Coimbra, Portugal 15-17 April 2010with the support of the COST Action IC0602 on Algorithmic Decision Theory and EURO (The European Association of Operational Research Societies)
Scope and objectivesUncertainty and risk are pervasive issues in planning and decision making tasks. With a wide range of causes and types of uncertainty, there are correspondingly many approaches to their treatment in decision analysis and optimization models. Some are tackled through discussion and creativity techniques to help decision makers set the boundaries of their problem; others are tackled through modelling techniques, e.g. probability, to reflect the randomness in the external world; yet others are approached through the use of sensitivity and robustness studies to explore the possible consequences of lack of precision in data estimates and judgments. Different research communities address uncertainty issues in planning and decision making using different approaches, which often present similarities although being developed under distinct perspectives. There is a clear need for more work in the interfaces between these approaches for dealing creatively and effectively with different types of uncertainty in different contexts, also having in mind real-world applications. This Conference is aimed at bringing together the specific expertise in aspects of handling uncertainty within decision support models to build a more comprehensive overview and integrated methodologies to tackle the various sources and types of uncertainties at stake in optimization and decision problems. The Conference will provide a forum in which researchers coming from different scientific disciplines and areas can discuss and share their experience regarding methodological approaches to tackle uncertainty for obtaining robust conclusions in decision support models and their applications. Contributions from decision theory, Bayesian analysis, fuzzy sets, rough sets, risk analysis, stochastic programming, sensitivity analysis, robustness analysis, interval programming, inexact programming, constraint programming, evolutionary algorithms and meta-heuristics, multi-criteria analysis and multi-objective optimization, among others, are expected both from methodological and application perspectives, thus paving the way for a cross-fertilization between distinct ways to incorporate the treatment of uncertainty in optimization and decision support models. This event follows up the successful conference on "Managing Uncertainty in Decision Support Models" that was held in 2004.
Submissions and publicationContributions must be submitted under the form of short papers (4-6 pages) in the template provided at the Conference web site.
Two types of submissions are welcome:- Proposal for a session of three papers devoted to a given topic. After acceptance, the promoter will be responsible for his/her session and will chair it.
- Free submission of short papers. The accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings.We are also arranging special issues of scientific journals for fully refereed versions of selected papers.
Official language The official language of the conference is English. VenueThe conference will be hosted by the University of Coimbra. Dating from 1290, the University of Coimbra is one of the oldest higher education institutions in Europe. Coimbra is located in the centre region of Portugal, easily accessible by car, bus or train from Lisbon (200 Km) or Oporto (130 Km) international airports.
Registration fee Type of registration Until March 1, 2010 After March 1, 2010 Normal(1) 250 € 300 € Student(2) 150 € 200 €(1) Includes Proceedings volume and conference documentation, two lunches, coffee breaks, social program, and taxes (VAT).
(2) To qualify as a student, the delegate must present a student card. Important dates * Submission of short papers (4-6 pages) November 30, 2009 * Notification to authors February 1, 2010 * Final paper due + Early registration deadline March 1, 2010 * (final version may be expanded up to 8 pages, 2MB pdf file max) * Registration deadline March 22, 2010 * (to guarantee inclusion in the final program and proceedings volume) * Conference April 15-16-17, 2010A deadline will be announced for submission of full papers to refereed special issues of journals or volume.
Organizing CommitteeCarlos Henggeler Antunes, Luís Cândido Dias, Maria João Alves, Ana Rosa Borges, Carla Oliveira
International Programme Committee Chairs: Carlos Henggeler Antunes (Portugal) and David Rios Insua (Spain) Ahti Salo (Finland) Alexis Tsoukiàs (France) Amparo Marmol (Spain) Barry O'Sullivan (Ireland) Bernard Roy (France), Carlos Fonseca (Portugal) Daniel Vanderpooten (France) Eleni Pratsini (Switzerland) Enrique Miranda (Spain), Fabrizio Ruggeri (Italy) Jacinto Gonzalez-Pachon (Spain) János Fodor (Hungary) João Clímaco (Portugal) José Figueira (Portugal) Kaisa Miettinen (Finland) Laureano Escudero (Spain) Love Ekenberg (Sweden) Luís Dias (Portugal) Manfred Jaeger (Denmark) Manuel Matos (Portugal) Marc Sevaux (France) Mashahiro Inuiguchi (Japan) Melvyn Sim (Singapore), Pedro Larrañaga (Spain) Raymond Bisdorff (Luxembourg) Robin Keller (USA), Roman Slowinski (Poland), Salvatore Greco (Italy) Simon French (UK) Thomas Nielsen (Denmark) Ulrich Junker (France) Vincent Mousseau (France) Wlodzimierz Ogryczak (Poland), Secretariat URPDM 2010 INESC Coimbra Rua Antero de Quental, 199 3000-033 Coimbra, Portugal urpdm2010@inescc.pt Web site http://www.inescc.pt/urpdm2010
Mensagem anterior por data: [Apdio] Research Job Opportunity |
Próxima mensagem por data: [Apdio] 25yh Mini-EURO Conference on, Uncertainty and Robustness in Planning and Decision Making - First Announcement and Call for Papers |
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [APDIO] 24th IIF Workshop | Forecasting for Social Good- Call for abstracts [no attendance fee - International Journal of Forecasting Special Issue] |
Próxima mensagem por assunto: [Apdio] 25yh Mini-EURO Conference on, Uncertainty and Robustness in Planning and Decision Making - First Announcement and Call for Papers |