dear Maria Antonia and Jose Fernando,
Below is the announcement of the academic position I talked about at the conference (assistent/associate/professor depending on the cv of the selected candidate).
The due date for applications is 30 September. Please feel free to distribute the announcement among OR researchers.
best regards,
Greet Vanden Berghe
CODeS - KAHO - KU Leuven
Tel +32 9 265 86 10
KAHO - KU Leuven
Gebroeders De Smetstraat 1
B-9000 GENT
The Faculty of Engineering Technology and the Department of Computer Science
of the Science Engineering and Technology Group of KU Leuven (University of
Leuven), invite applications for a full time academic position in the field
of combinatorial optimisation. The job profile aims at a dynamic scientist
(m/f) with excellent research expertise in this domain who can conduct
educational activities in Informatics and Computer Science.
The position is located in the Technology Campus in Gent (KAHO Sint-Lieven),
which is one of the operational sites of the Faculty of Engineering
Technology. The Faculty is a multi-campus faculty of the Engineering
Technology educational programmes of KU Leuven. The Faculty has its own
teaching, research and doctoral profile. You will be expected to perform to
profile-specific criteria and you will be evaluated against these criteria.
Your main function will be that of lecturing and performing relevant
research in the field of computer science, combinatorial optimisation. You
will be both a member of the Department of Computer Science, the Cluster
Computer Science Technology, the research group CODeS and the Faculty of
Engineering Technology of KU Leuven because of your research and teaching
The research group CODeS conducts activities on combinatorial optimisation
in the Department of Computer Science and is based at the Technology Campus
Gent (KAHO Sint-Lieven). CODeS mainly focuses on scheduling, planning,
routing, bin packing, stock cutting and related combinatorial optimisation
problems. The research methodology relies mainly on Operational Research
(Mixed Integer Programming, decomposition approaches, heuristics) and
aspects from Artificial Intelligence (such as learning systems,
hyperheuristics, constraint satisfaction and optimisation). CODeS acquired
expertise in developing new algorithms for practical optimisation problems.
An important part of the research activities is conducted with industrial
partners in logistics and health care.