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A Gentle Reminder: Abstract submission deadline is tomorrow (April 25th)! ________________________________________ 40th ORAHS 2014 Conference July 20-25 2014 Lisboa, Portugal Web page: http://www.orahs2014.fc.ul.pt email: orahs2014@fc.ul.pt We would like to announce the ORAHS 2014 Conference, the 40th annual meeting of the EURO Working Group on Operational Research Applied to Health Services. The conference will take place at the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (Faculty of Sciences at the University of Lisbon). The conference theme is ?For Better Practices in Health Care Management?. The health sector has been progressively affected by increasingly restrictive budgets. So, it is urgent to promote a resource rationalization practice among hospitals and, above all, to increase the efficiency in the use of resources and in the performance of each service. During the conference, we will be able to discuss different ways to achieve these objectives, mainly by using OR practices. There will be parallel sessions for the invited and contributed talks as well as a poster session. Plenary talks will be given by researchers from the OR community and by healthcare practitioners. The Director-General of Health - Portugal, Dr. Francisco George, will be welcoming the participants. There will be an invited talk by Dr. Manuel Delgado, Invited Assistant Professor at ENSP/UNL and General Manager of IASIST Portugal. Dr. Geoff Royston, former Head of Strategic Analysis and Operational Research, Dep. of Health, England and president of the Operational Research Society, will give a plenary talk. As part of the scientific program, there will also be a visit to Hospital de Santa Maria. Along with this rich scientific program there will be a pleasant social program that includes a one day tour and a boat trip on the Tagus River from where you can get one of the most beautiful sights of Lisbon. All researchers interested in healthcare applications are invited to participate in this conference and to submit a presentation. For abstract submission and registration please refer to the conference webpage: http://www.orahs2014.fc.ul.pt Important dates Abstract Submission: 18 April 2014 -- extended to 25 April 2014 Acceptance Notification: 2 May 2014 Early Registration: 20 May 2014 Organizing Committee Maria Eugénia Captivo (Universidade de Lisboa) Bernardo Almada Lobo (Universidade do Porto) Inês Marques (Universidade de Lisboa e Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias) José Luís Borges (Universidade do Porto) Margarida Moz (Universidade Técnica de Lisboa) Margarida Vaz Pato (Universidade Técnica de Lisboa) Maria da Conceição Fonseca (Universidade de Lisboa) Pedro Martins Moura (Universidade de Lisboa) International Program Committee Angela Testi (Italy) Erik Demeulemeester (Belgium) Erwin Hans (The Netherlands) Greet Vanden Berghe (Belgium) Jan Vissers (The Netherlands) Margarida Vaz Pato (Portugal) Maria Eugénia Captivo (Portugal) Marion Rauner (Austria) Michael Carter (Canada) Mónica Oliveira (Portugal) Roberto Aringhieri (Italy) Sally Brailsford (United Kingdom) Xiaolan Xie (France) Yasar A. Özcan (USA)
ORAHS 2014 Lisbon_Announcement_extended abstract submission deadline.pdf
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