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[APDIO] PhD Workshop in Logistics - 3rd June @ IST, UL - Lisbon
Susana Relvas
, 30/05/2014
[APDIO] PhD Workshop in Logistics - Exchange of experiences between Portugal & Germany (3 de Junho 2014, IST)
Susana Relvas
, 16/05/2014
[APDIO] PM-AM Indexed in ESCI (Extended ISI) and Scopus ......................
Zoe Michel
, 16/01/2020
[APDIO] pos-doc em "Mathematical models for maximizing environment conditions in Broiler Houses"
A. Ismael F. Vaz
, 18/07/2013
[APDIO] Pos-doc Matematica Industrial - Cutting Stock Problem in the context of Furniture Industries
A. Ismael F. Vaz
, 09/09/2013
[APDIO] PosDoc position
Filipe Alvelos
, 11/03/2011
[APDIO] PosDoc Position in Multiobjective Derivative-free Optimization, at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Ana Luisa Custodio
, 16/11/2018
[APDIO] Pos doc position - Portugal - Optimization in 3D printing
A. Ismael F. Vaz
, 08/03/2017
[APDIO] Posiciones profesorales y postdoctorales en Universidad de los Andes (Colombia)
A. Ismael F. Vaz
, 31/08/2015
[APDIO] Position at Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
Maria Antónia Carravilla
, 02/05/2023
[APDIO] Position in Operations Research at Universidad Andres Bello
A. Ismael F. Vaz
, 24/06/2013
[APDIO] Postdoc at Universidad de Chile
A. Ismael F. Vaz
, 02/02/2015
[APDIO] POSTDOC - Candidaturas de 2015-01-12 a 2015-01-23 - Applications from 2015-01-12 to 2015-01-23
A. Ismael F. Vaz
, 09/01/2015
[APDIO] postdoc en el IMCA
A. Ismael F. Vaz
, 03/09/2014
[APDIO] Postdoc position
Manuel V.C. Vieira
, 08/06/2020
[APDIO] postdoc position at IESE Business School, Barcelona
A. Ismael F. Vaz
, 26/03/2012
[APDIO] post-doc position at University of Lisbon
Inês Marques
, 24/05/2019
[APDIO] PostDoc position in Node Routing Models / University of Lisbon, Faculty of Sciences
Ana Paias
, 25/05/2016
[APDIO] post-doc position in optimization
A. Ismael F. Vaz
, 18/02/2013
[APDIO] Postdoc position in optimization, U of Edinburgh, UK
A. Ismael F. Vaz
, 14/06/2012
[APDIO] Postdoc position in OR - United Arab Emirates University
Susana Relvas
, 17/03/2017
[APDIO] Postdoc position in Salvador, Brazil (all areas of Computer Science including Optimization/Operational Research)
Susana Relvas
, 27/03/2017
[APDIO] Postdoc position in Sustainable Urban Transportation Planning at Concordia University - CIRRELT (Montreal, Canada)
Susana Relvas
, 13/03/2017
[APDIO] Postdoc position on logistics optimization, Eindhoven University of Technology
Alexandre Florio
, 05/03/2020
[APDIO] Postdoc positions at the Ecuadorian Research Center on Mathematical Modelling
A. Ismael F. Vaz
, 26/03/2013
[APDIO] Postdoc positions in Salvador, Brazil (all areas of Computer Science)
Susana Relvas
, 21/09/2016
[APDIO] post-doc project SUSpENsE - Sustainable built Environment under Natural Hazards and Extreme Events (CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-000006)
Carlos Henggeler
, 15/11/2018
[APDIO] Post-Doctoral Fellowship
, 10/10/2022
<Possíveis seguimentos>
[APDIO] Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Isabel Gomes
, 24/10/2022
[APDIO] Post-Doctoral Fellowship - Industrial Mathematics
A. Ismael F. Vaz
, 08/04/2014
[APDIO] Post-Doctoral position
Ana Póvoa
, 31/10/2022
[APDIO] Postdoctoral position at Universidad de Chile
A. Ismael F. Vaz
, 09/03/2015
[APDIO] Postdoctoral position in Cutting and Packing @ University of Porto, Portugal
Maria Antónia Carravilla
, 15/04/2016
[APDIO] Postdoctoral position open at NovaMath
Isabel Gomes
, 17/11/2023
[APDIO] Post-Doctoral Researcher Positions in Operations Research/Management Science: Smart Manufacturing and Logistics
Bernardo Almada-Lobo
, 08/01/2014
[APDIO] Postdoctoral Research grant to study the Kidney Exchange Problem
Ana Viana
, 27/02/2012
[APDIO] Postdoctoral Research Position in Optimization (Coimbra)
João Patrício
, 07/11/2010
[Apdio] post-doctorate scholarship in Azores Portugal
Armando Brito Mendes
, 28/03/2008
[APDIO] PPSN 2018 Call for Participation
Susana Relvas
, 09/06/2018
[APDIO] PPSN 2018 Deadline Extension and Final Call for Papers
Carlos Henggeler
, 18/03/2018
[APDIO] PPSN 2018 - Second Call for Papers
Carlos Henggeler
, 22/02/2018
[APDIO] Primer Llamado a congreso (call for papers) ICHIO 2015
A. Ismael F. Vaz
, 01/12/2014
[APDIO] Primer llamado ELAVIO 2016 - First call for participants ELAVIO 2016
, 05/10/2015
[APDIO] Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Operations Research
A. Ismael F. Vaz
, 14/05/2013
<Possíveis seguimentos>
[APDIO] Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Operations Research
Ademir Constantino
, 09/03/2014
[APDIO] Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Operations Research
Ademir Constantino - DIN-UEM
, 28/06/2016
[APDIO] Proceedings will be published and will be send for indexing in ISI, SCOPUS, EI Compendex, ACM, DBLP Google Scholar etc
AMACS 2020
, 16/02/2020
[APDIO] Procura Aberta de Docentes - DEG/IST
Ana Póvoa
, 28/01/2022
[APDIO] Procura Aberta de Docentes / Open Faculty Search
Fátima Sampaio
, 07/01/2025
[APDIO] Procura Aberta de Docentes / Open Search
Fátima Sampaio
, 08/02/2023
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