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Announcement for a Grant assignment
A research grant is available at the University of Coimbra on the project SUSpENsE - Sustainable built Environment under Natural Hazards and Extreme Events (CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-000006), financed by European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), Regional Operational Program of the Center (CENTRO2020), with the following characteristics:
Number of grants: 1
Type of activity: The purpose of this scholarship is the development of research work in the field of advanced post-doctoral training. Development of research work leading to: design and computational implementation of algorithms to optimize demand response in electric energy systems – energy management systems to optimize the integrated usage of energy resources of individual consumers and aggregation of residential / small commerce and service consumers; endowing the algorithms with interaction capability with measurement and equipment control devices; methodologies to optimize the usage of the flexibility of consumers to provide services to the grid.
Financial support: European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), through the Regional Operational Program of the Center (CENTRO2020) and Own Revenues of the University of Coimbra
Applicant profile: Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Mathematics (Applied or Computation specializations).
Expertise in programming languages, including Matlab. Knowledge of electric energy systems. Knowledge of models and methods of operations research / optimization
Location: University of Coimbra - Electrotechnical Engineering Department of the Faculty of Science and Technology
Duration: 12 months
Renewal: Eventually renewable, if agreed between the two parties, not exceeding the end date of the
Scientific Orientation: Prof. Doutor Carlos Alberto Henggeler de Carvalho Antunes e Prof. Doutor Álvaro Filipe Peixoto Cardoso de Oliveira Gomes
Financial conditions: The amount of the grant is € 1.495,00 corresponding to the monthly compensation stipulated in the FCT table (https://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores.phtml.en), plus social security (Seguro Social Voluntário, first level contributions) and personal accidents insurance. The payment will be made by bank transfer. This amount will not be increased during the entire period of the grant duration.
Regime: The attribution of the grant does not generate or entitle a relation of a legal-labour nature, it is undertaken in an exclusive dedication regime and the fellow is granted with the Fellow Statute of the University of Coimbra, according to Research Grant Statute, and the Regulation of Research Grants of the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. , both in its actual wording.
Selection methods: Curricular Assessment (70%) and Interview (30%).
The three best-ranked candidates in the Curriculum Evaluation will be subject to Interview to gauge the motivation and profile for the research work.
If none of the candidates obtains a classification equal or superior to 14 values, in the weighting of the selection methods, the scholarship will not be assigned.
Selection and attribution criteria: In the Curriculum Evaluation the following criteria will be considered (scaled 0-20):
(i) scientific production with emphasis on three technical-scientific scholarship publications selected by the candidate - 50%
(ii) relevance of the functions previously performed in relation to the scholarship program and classifications obtained during the school year - 30%
(iii) other relevant aspects of the curriculum vitae - 20%
In the interview, the following criteria will be considered:
(i) Communication and verbal _expression_ capabilities (40%); (ii) Analytical and critical thinking capabilities (30%);
(iii) Interest and motivation (30%).
Formalization of application: The applications forms must contain: letter of application, certificate of qualifications, Curriculum Vitae and other elements considered important and relevant.
Candidates with foreign academic diplomas are obliged to present records of the equivalence/recognition of such diplomas and the conversion of the respective final notes to the Portuguese classification scale (whenever a final classification is attributed with the foreign diploma), issued by the Directorate-General for Higher Education or by a Portuguese public higher education establishment (regulated by Decree-Law no. 341/2007, of 12 October) or, in alternative, present the
document of equivalence/recognition of such foreign qualifications to the corresponding Portuguese qualifications, issued by a Portuguese public higher education establishment (regulated by Decree-Law no. 283/83, of 21 June).
Applications submission: The applications forms must be sent, by E-mail, to: ch@deec.uc.pt;luisss@dec.uc.pt.
Jury responsible for selection: Prof. Doutor Carlos Alberto Henggeler de Carvalho Antunes, Prof. Doutor Álvaro Filipe Peixoto Cardoso de Oliveira Gomes e Prof. Doutor. Humberto Manuel Matos Jorge.
Submission of applications: Between 15/11/2018 and 28/11/2018.Publication date: 14/11/2018.
Submission deadline date: 28/11/2018.
Additional information: The evaluation results will be announced within 90 days after the end of the applications submission deadline, by notifying the applicants via email. After the announcement of the results, candidates are considered automatically notified to, if they wish to do so, comment on the results on a preliminary hearing period within 10 days after that date. After this, the selected candidates will have to declare in writing their acceptance. Unless a justification worthy of consideration is presented, if the declaration is not submitted within the referred period, it is considered that the candidate waivers the grant. In case of resignation or withdrawal of the selected candidate, the next candidate with the highest evaluation score will be notified immediately.
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