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Following is the announcement for postdoc positions in Salvador, Brazil. Those interested in Optimization/Operational Research are more than welcome to contact me and to apply.
---- Assistant Professor Departamento de Ciência da Computação Universidade Federal da Bahia http://www.dcc.ufba.br/~melo I would appreciate your consideration in announcing this advertisement for postdoc positions in all areas of Computer Science. POSTDOC POSITIONS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE, FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF BAHIA - BRAZIL Full time postdoctoral positions are available in all areas of Computer Science in the Department of Computer Science at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), in Salvador, Brazil. We are looking for outstanding candidates holding a PhD in Computer Science/Engineering or related fields with a strong Computer Science/Engineering background. Duties will involve researching in any Computer Science field, writing for highly ranked journals and top tier conferences, and possibly co-advising undergraduate and graduate students. Ideal start date is early November 2016. The initial appointment is for one year, with a monthly rate of BRL 4,100 (no taxes). An extension of the initial appointment is possible based on the progress in research and on the availability of funding. Interested candidates should contact Christina von Flach (flach@ufba.br) and Rafael Melo (melo@dcc.ufba.br) ideally before October 20, 2016 (use the subject heading "DCC/UFBA Postdoc Position"), and include: 1. a short cover letter describing the applicant's interest in the position; 2. a brief research statement; 3. CV containing the full list of publications; 4. a selection of the latest most relevant publications; 5. name and contact details of at least two references. We will start evaluating applications soon after October 20, and will continue accepting applications until the positions are filled.
LOCAL INFORMATION The main campus of Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) is located in Salvador, the largest city on the northeast coast of Brazil and the capital of the Northeastern Brazilian state of Bahia. Salvador is also known as the Brazil's capital of happiness due to its countless popular outdoor parties, including its street carnival. Meet Salvador: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lq5cochDyuM. Aerial view: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KD5qFPL2_-8. RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION (RDI) AT DCC/UFBA Over the past recent years, our Research Groups and Labs have raised a significant amount of funds (over BRL 20 mi in the last ten years) to support our activities. National and international Government agencies provide the majority of sponsored research funds. The DCC/UFBA also has a history of collaboration with industry. Some important recent efforts may be highlighted: (1) Fraunhofer IESE and SECTI - The UFBA and the Bahia State Government reached an agreement with the German Fraunhofer Institute to establish a Fraunhofer Project Center at UFBA; this has been considered as a notable endeavor to improve our interaction with industry. (2) Petrobras, the largest corporation in Brazil - The DCC/UFBA along with the training center in Technology in Industrial Automation (CTAI) signed a contract for a project of intelligent wells, involving Computational Intelligence technologies, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition in Images. We also support and encourage our researchers to develop research programs that meet industries needs through the MCTI (the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation)) project grants scheme. As a result, our team has developed a number of projects with both companies and government organizations with fundraising for infrastructure, and support for RDI.
Christina von Flach G. Chavez Head of the Computer Science Graduate Program at UFBA |
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