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  Data   Assunto   Remetente
30/12/2020 [APDIO] Divulgação | WhSNS 2021 - EXTENDED Call for Abstracts and NEWS APDIO Secretary
23/12/2020 [APDIO] Divulgação | Call for Abstracts - hSNS 2021 APDIO Secretary
23/12/2020 [APDIO] Fwd: Newsletter No 1 de WISDOM Cristina Lopes
23/12/2020 [APDIO] Fwd: FW: Anúncio LinkedIn IO Cristina Lopes
21/12/2020 [APDIO] Divulgação | Bolsa de Doutoramento - Share Project APDIO Secretary
06/12/2020 [APDIO] CALL FOR PAPERS – ALIO/EURO 2021 José Fernando OLIVEIRA
17/11/2020 [APDIO] Divulgação | Concurso para Atribuição de Bolsa de Investigação para Doutoramento APDIO Secretary
14/11/2020 [APDIO] FSM Best Young Researcher Paper Award - deadline January 2021 José F . Oliveira
05/11/2020 [APDIO] FW: IFORS Global Webinar, EURO - November 30, 2020. O.R. in Europe: Topics that matter. Ana Póvoa
05/11/2020 [APDIO] Bolsa de investigação para licenciado - Porto Cristina Lopes
04/11/2020 [APDIO] [Alio] Special Issue of TOP devoted to ALIO. Now in open access! APDIO VP.International Affairs
03/11/2020 [APDIO] Recruitment of a Doctorate APDIO Secretary
29/10/2020 [APDIO] Fwd: SeminárIO - Operational Research Seminar - 04 November, 15:00 - CMA - FCT NOVA APDIO Secretary
28/10/2020 [APDIO] posição postdoc IO Manuel V.C. Vieira
23/10/2020 [APDIO] FW: 2021 A.W. Tucker Prize Announcement APDIO VP.International Affairs
22/10/2020 [APDIO] EURO Support for NATCOR Bursaries APDIO VP.International Affairs
19/10/2020 [APDIO] Divulgação | Call for Abstracts - WhSNS 2021 APDIO Secretary
16/10/2020 Re: [APDIO] Fwd: Beca FPI José Fernando Oliveira
13/10/2020 [APDIO] Eurekathon by LTPlabs, PBS and NOS - Challenging Data for Zero Hunger José F . Oliveira
10/10/2020 [APDIO] Applied Mathematics, Engineering, Computer Science George Petrakis
06/10/2020 [APDIO] DCO 2021 Conference - Aveiro, Portugal APDIO Secretary
03/10/2020 [APDIO] Divulgação | Bolsa de Investigação para estudante de doutoramento APDIO Secretary
28/09/2020 [APDIO] EURO Award for the Best EJOR Paper 2020 APDIO Secretary
28/09/2020 [APDIO] Fwd: ROADEF/EURO Challenge 2020 APDIO Secretary
28/09/2020 [APDIO] Fwd: [Alio] IFORS Global Webinar Sept 30 - OR in the Asia Pacific APDIO Secretary
28/09/2020 [APDIO] Divulgação de Bolsa de Investigação de Pós-Doutoramento APDIO Secretary
27/09/2020 [APDIO] Applied Mathematics and Computer Science George Petrakis
25/09/2020 [APDIO] Challenges in deploying OR projects PLUS helping lawyers and economists to think like OR experts - EURO Workibg Group on Practice of OR Inês Marques
24/09/2020 [APDIO] FW: IFORS Global Webinar Sept 30 - OR in the Asia Pacific APDIO VP.International Affairs
24/09/2020 [APDIO] Fwd: First Call for Papers - EURO 2021 31st European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXXI), Athens, Greece, July 11-14, 2021 APDIO Secretary
21/09/2020 [APDIO] Divulgação - Bolsa de Investigação APDIO Secretary
03/09/2020 [APDIO] OR in practice and making a difference: join us this Friday, 10am CET (9am BST) Inês Marques
24/08/2020 [APDIO] Fwd: --FINAL-- Deadline extension - ICPR-Americas 2020 APDIO Secretary
20/08/2020 [APDIO] EWG POR September 2020 webinar is open for registration Inês Marques
07/08/2020 [APDIO] FW: Special Issue of the European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR) The role of Operational Research in the future epidemics/ pandemic. Ana Póvoa
30/07/2020 [APDIO] EWG-POR conference annnouncement Inês Marques
28/07/2020 [APDIO] Call for papers - Special Issue on Advances in Facility Location and Logistics Cristina Lopes
20/07/2020 [APDIO] IFORS Global Webinar July 29 2020 Cristina Lopes
20/07/2020 [APDIO] Bolsa de Investigação na Universidade do Minho Cristina Lopes
20/07/2020 [APDIO] Fwd: WISDOM YoungWomen in OR - call for applications from 15th July to 30th August 2020 Cristina Lopes
20/07/2020 [APDIO] Fwd: FW: Invitation to WISDOM Webinar Cristina Lopes
02/07/2020 [APDIO] Call for Papers: Advances in Facility Location and Logistics Isabel Correia
29/06/2020 [APDIO] Survey on Operations Research and Covid-19 RAMALHINHO DIAS LOURENÇO, HELENA
29/06/2020 [APDIO] NeEDS Workshop on Data and Decisions in the COVID19 times, 1 de Julio, 14:00-17:00, Online Cristina Lopes
21/06/2020 [APDIO] Special issue of Mathematical Methods of OR dedicated to Energy Networks ANJOS Miguel
18/06/2020 [APDIO] Bolsa de Investigação PhD em Lisboa Cristina Lopes
08/06/2020 [APDIO] Postdoc position Manuel V.C. Vieira
04/06/2020 [APDIO] Manifestação de interesse para recrutamento de Professor Auxiliar Convidado Luis Dias
03/06/2020 [APDIO] Special Issue: Management Science in the Fight Against Covid-19 monica.oliveira

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