06/05/2020 |
[APDIO] Fwd: Information 13th CHAOS2020 International Web Conference |
APDIO Secretary |
06/05/2020 |
[APDIO] Fwd: Postdoc researcher position |
APDIO Secretary |
06/05/2020 |
[APDIO] Fwd: FW: 2 Bolsas de Pos-Doc atribuídas pelo CIDMA |
APDIO Secretary |
20/04/2020 |
[APDIO] Fwd: Fwd: Request to circulate about ICBAI-2020 to your professional society members |
APDIO Secretary |
14/04/2020 |
[APDIO] Fwd: Announcing the EURO WISDOM Forum and Webinar on Bias/Fairness and Artificial Intelligence 20th April 2020, 15.00 (UTC+1) |
Carla Alexandra Soares Geraldes |
29/03/2020 |
[APDIO] Fwd: 2nd Call V Congress FISAT_(Spain/Portugal) |
Maria Antónia Carravilla |
24/03/2020 |
[APDIO] CLAIRE centralises AI Expert Volunteers |
Inês Marques |
20/03/2020 |
[APDIO] FW: [cegist-integr] Concurso Professor Auxiliar DEG |
Susana Relvas |
19/03/2020 |
[APDIO] [DEG] Concurso Professor Associado DEG/IST |
Susana Relvas |
05/03/2020 |
[APDIO] Postdoc position on logistics optimization, Eindhoven University of Technology |
Alexandre Florio |
02/03/2020 |
[APDIO] Doctoral and postdoctoral research at CEG-IST |
Susana Relvas |
20/02/2020 |
[APDIO] ORAHS 2020 (Vienna): Abstract submission deadline extended to February 29th, 2020 |
Inês Marques |
18/02/2020 |
[APDIO] Fwd: [Europt.di] Postdoctoral position in QCO |
Carla Alexandra Soares Geraldes |
17/02/2020 |
[APDIO] Procura Aberta de Docentes - Departamento de Engenharia e Gestão/Instituto Superior Técnico |
Susana Relvas |
16/02/2020 |
[APDIO] Proceedings will be published and will be send for indexing in ISI, SCOPUS, EI Compendex, ACM, DBLP Google Scholar etc |
AMACS 2020 |
13/02/2020 |
[APDIO] Fwd: Special issue "Sustainable Management and Multiple Attribute Decision Making" - call for papers |
Carla Alexandra Soares Geraldes |
10/02/2020 |
[APDIO] Call for 3 Phd Grants |
Susana Relvas |
03/02/2020 |
[APDIO] 2nd EUROYoung Workshop - 25/26 June 2020 Porto, Portugal |
EUROYoung |
29/01/2020 |
[APDIO] CONVITE: Workshop Recolha Inteligente de Resíduos - Resultados e Desafios |
susana.relvas |
28/01/2020 |
[APDIO] Fwd: Call for Proposal submission - Integration Challenges for Analytics, Business Intelligence, and Data Mining |
Isabel Cristina da Silva Lopes |
23/01/2020 |
[APDIO] OR in the Physical Internet at IFORS 2020 | Extension to deadline |
Elsa Marília Silva |
22/01/2020 |
[APDIO] Area on OR and Analytics Education @ 22nd IFORS 2020 in Seoul |
Maria Antonia Carravilla |
21/01/2020 |
[APDIO] Fwd: [Alio] Global Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Its Application Areas 2020 (GJCIE 2020) |
21/01/2020 |
[APDIO] Fwd: [Alio] Fwd: CFP META'2020 @Marrakech |
21/01/2020 |
[APDIO] Fwd: Re: [bench-net] Open Optimization Competition -- call for entries |
21/01/2020 |
[APDIO] Fwd: OPTIMIZATION 2020 an International Conference |
21/01/2020 |
[APDIO] Fwd: [Alio] Call for papers ICCL2020 |
21/01/2020 |
[APDIO] Fwd: [Alio] 15th International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems, Poznan, Poland - Deadline Extended |
20/01/2020 |
[APDIO] *** EXTENSION OF DEADLINE *** to January 31 for submission of abstracts for IFORS 2020, June 21-26, in Seoul, South Korea |
Susana Relvas |
20/01/2020 |
[APDIO] ECMS 2020 - June 9-12, TH Wildau-Area of Berlin, Germany |
Susana Relvas |
16/01/2020 |
[APDIO] ORAHS 2020 Abstract Submission via Internet Possible Now |
Inês Marques |
16/01/2020 |
[APDIO] PM-AM Indexed in ESCI (Extended ISI) and Scopus ...................... |
Zoe Michel |
15/01/2020 |
[APDIO] MMSSE 2020 Mathematical Methods, Mathematical Models and Simulation in Science and Engineering |
Zoe Michel |
15/01/2020 |
[APDIO] Home Health and Social Care session IFORS |
15/01/2020 |
[APDIO] OR in the Physical Internet at IFORS 2020 | 2 days left |
Elsa Marília Silva |
15/01/2020 |
[APDIO] Anuncio importante sobre CLAIO2020 |
Susana Relvas |
11/01/2020 |
[APDIO] ONE WEEK until abstract submissions close for IFORS 2020, June 21-26, in Seoul, South Korea: third call for abstracts |
Susana Relvas |
10/01/2020 |
[APDIO] ICCSA 2020 - Computational Optimization and Applications |
Susana Relvas |
10/01/2020 |
[APDIO] PhD School inn Sustainable Supply Chains |
Susana Relvas |
10/01/2020 |
[APDIO] 7 days to go | CfP: Cutting & Packing Stream at IFORS 2020 (submission deadline: January 17, 2020) |
José F . Oliveira |
09/01/2020 |
[APDIO] EURO General Support Fund - Call for the submission of bids for projects in 2021 and 2022 - Deadline April 1st 2020. |
José F . Oliveira |
05/01/2020 |
[APDIO] Fwd: [Alio] “OR, Arts and Creativity” --- Stream at IFORS 2020, Seoul, Korea |
02/01/2020 |
[APDIO] Fwd: [Alio] "OR and Ethics” --- Stream at IFORS 2020, Seoul, Korea |
02/01/2020 |
[APDIO] Fwd: EURO Support for NATCOR Bursaries |
02/01/2020 |
[APDIO] Fwd: EURO PhD Schools 2020 |
02/01/2020 |
[APDIO] Fwd: [Alio] Call for Papers --- 15th International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems --- Poznan, Poland, July 1-3, 2020 |
02/01/2020 |
[APDIO] Fwd: First Announcement and Call for Papers ODS 2020 |
02/01/2020 |
[APDIO] Fwd: [Alio] ICDS 2020 + Special tracks | March 22 - 26, 2020 - Valencia, Spain |
02/01/2020 |
[APDIO] Fwd: [Alio] “Mathematical Models in Macro- and Microeconomics” --- Stream at IFORS 2020, Seoul, Korea |
02/01/2020 |
[APDIO] LION 14, deadline near |
Susana Relvas |