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[APDIO] Posições para engenheiros, doutorandos e pós-doutorandos (Universidade de Bordéus/INRIA)

•   To: <apdio@ci.uc.pt>
•   Subject: [APDIO] Posições para engenheiros, doutorandos e pós-doutorandos (Universidade de Bordéus/INRIA)
•   From: Cláudio Alves <claudio@dps.uminho.pt>
•   Date: Tue, 6 May 2014 18:39:40 +0100

Boa tarde,


A pedido dos responsáveis, agradecia a divulgação do seguinte anúncio pela lista da APDIO.


Melhores cumprimentos,



Cláudio Alves

DPS, EEng, UMinho




RealOpt is a joint team between INRIA and the University of Bordeaux, doing research in mathematical optimization with a focus on decomposition and extended formulation approaches. Current academic and industrial projects concern large scale planning problems, accounting for stochastic events, and online re-optimization. Partners include both large groups (EDF, Saint-Gobain, Thales) and local firms (Exeo, Ertus). To contribute to these projects, the team is recruiting on Engineering, Doctoral and Post-Doctoral positions.


Please forward this announcement to any potential candidates (French or English speaking), with a strong background in mathematical programming methods and numerical validation, inviting them to contact us for further details.


Francois Vanderbeck


Institut of Mathematics (IMB), University of Bordeaux Team ReAlOpt, INRIA-Bordeaux-Sud-Ouest https://realopt.bordeaux.inria.fr







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Mensagem anterior por assunto:
     [APDIO] Posições para engenheiros, doutorandos e pós-doutorandos (Universidade de Bordéus/INRIA)
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