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Caros membros da comunidade de IO, A Comissão Directiva (CD) da APDIO convida todos os membros da comunidade de IO com doutoramento defendido depois de 1/1/2009 ou estudantes de doutoramento na área de IO a submetem as suas candidaturas ao apoio financeiro a conceder pelo EURO e pela ELAVIO para a participação na XIX ELAVIO - Latin-American Summer School in Operations Research. Durante o mês de Novembro a CD da APDIO seleccionará a candidatura do representante português a enviar ao EURO, a quem cabe a decisão final (ver anuncio em inglês mais abaixo). As candidaturas devem ser enviadas para a APDIO (apdio@civil.ist.utl.pt) até ao dia 01/11/2014 incluindo, em formato pdf, a seguinte informação: i) carta de recomendação (max. 1 pag.) de um académico da instituição a que o candidato pertence ou onde se doutorou; ii) CV resumido, actualizado, com dados biográficos, informação sobre a tese de doutoramento que defendeu ou está a preparar e publicações. O CV deve ainda evidenciar a capacidade de entendimento e fluência em espanhol e inglês do candidato. iii) sumário (max. 2 páginas) do trabalho a apresentar no caso de ser aceite. Cumprimentos, A Comissão Directiva da APDIO -------------------------------------------------------------------------- EURO is pleased to announce the travel-sponsorship of up to two participants to join the XIX ELAVIO - Latin-American Summer School in Operations Research. (http://www.math.epn.edu.ec/elavio2015/index.php/en/). Participants must be studying in a EURO member country - please see http://www.euro-online.org/web/pages/1457/member-societies The XIX ELAVIO will take place in Quito, Ecuador, February 23 - 27, 2015. The ELAVIOs are schools supported by ALIO (the Latin-Iberoamerican Association of Operations Research) and mainly are addressed to young researchers and postgraduate students (both at the PhD and master level) from Latin-Iberoamerican countries. However, Ph.D. students from all over the world with excellent skills and special interest in the areas of Operations Research, Informatics, and Applied Mathematics are also welcome to apply. The ELAVIO 2015 will be hosted at the Escuela Politecnica Nacional (EPN) in Quito, the capital city of Ecuador, from February 23th to 27th, 2015. The two million inhabitants city has a rich cultural and touristic offer that will significantly enhance the ELAVIO 2015 experience for all participants. Besides of one of the largest colonial old towns in Latin-America, there are various museums to visit, and a cable car which can bring tourists above the 4,000 meters barrier. Additionally, several touristic destinations in the Ecuadorian Andes can be reached within one-day trips. ELAVIO 2015 will include mini-courses, invited talks, as well as discussion panels where participants can share their research advances, open problems, and related issues. Selected contributed papers from participants will be presented in special tracks. Research topics of the school include, but are not limited to: 1. Combinatorial optimization and polyhedral theory. 2. Nonlinear optimization. 3. Modeling with linear and nonlinear integer programs. 4. Applications to problem solving in the areas of sustainability, environmental care, logistics, fishery, agricultures, engineering and production, among others. The official languages of the school are: English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Talks and lectures will be either in English or in Spanish (in the latter case with English slides). Candidates selected MUST be proficient in both Spanish and English. More details with regard to this topic will be published on the website. REGISTRATION AND GRANTS: Students interested in applying for travel grant must send the following documents (pdf file format) to their National OR Society: - short curriculum vitae to include evidence of language proficiency in Spanish and English; - a recommendation letter from an academic of the applicant's university or institute; - summary (max. 2 pages) of a work to present at the school in case of acceptance. Important dates: 1/11/2014 ¬ deadline for applications to be sent to National OR Society; 30/11/2014 ¬deadline for the National Society to submit the candidates to the IFORS VP; 10/12/2014 - submission of the candidates to ELAVIO organizers; 18/01/2015 - deadline for confirming paticipation 23-27/02/2015 -¬ ELAVIO XIX. The accepted candidates will receive the travel grant from EURO and accommodation grant from ELAVIO.
Mensagem anterior por data: [APDIO] Call For Papers - 4th Business Sustainability 2014 Conference |
Próxima mensagem por data: [APDIO] EURO Mini Conference on, Improving Healthcare: new challenges, new approaches Coimbra, Portugal, 2015 |
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Próxima mensagem por assunto: [APDIO] EURO Valencia - Abstract deadline 5 March 2018 |