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  Data   Assunto   Remetente
26/02/2016 [APDIO] Just a few days to submit an abstract to EURO 2016 "José F. Oliveira"
24/02/2016 [APDIO] [Alio] CMS2016 Salamanca Deadline Approaching (February 29) --- 3rd Call for Papers Susana Relvas
24/02/2016 [APDIO] CfP 1st EWG Retail Operations on 3rd-5thof June, 2016 Susana Relvas
22/02/2016 [APDIO] Divulgação: CMSIM Membership and Abstract submission Susana Relvas
22/02/2016 [APDIO] Divulgação: [Alio] Faculty Positions in Industrial Engineering - Universidad de La Sabana - Colombia Susana Relvas
16/02/2016 [APDIO] Deadline Approaching (March 1) --- EURO 2016 in Poznan Susana Relvas
16/02/2016 [APDIO] 57th meeting of the EURO Working Group for Commodities and Financial Modelling Susana Relvas
11/02/2016 [APDIO] [Alio] DOOR-2016 - Call for Papers Susana Relvas
10/02/2016 [APDIO] Call for Papers: Special issue on "Multiple Criteria Decision Making: Current Challenges and Future Trends" Susana Relvas
10/02/2016 [APDIO] [Alio] Call for Papers INFORMS Transactions on Education Susana Relvas
08/02/2016 [APDIO] AgIL workshop (16 de Fevereiro) - convite Isabel Gomes
03/02/2016 [APDIO] ICCL2016 announcement Ana Paias
03/02/2016 [APDIO] [EU/ME] CFP MOD 2016: Paper submission deadline: February 28. (-25 days) Susana Relvas
02/02/2016 [APDIO] Fwd: Plaza de post-doc en ICSO-IN3 Isabel Gomes
29/01/2016 [APDIO] Francisco Saldanha da Gama nomeado editor da revista "Computers and Operations Research" A. Ismael F. Vaz
28/01/2016 [APDIO] 2nd CfP - 13th ESICUP Meeting & Cutting and Packing Stream at EURO 2016 Elsa Silva
27/01/2016 [APDIO] Open position - Chair of the Industrial Engineering Department, UTEC, Peru A. Ismael F. Vaz
27/01/2016 [APDIO] International Joint Conference on Rough Sets in Chile A. Ismael F. Vaz
27/01/2016 [APDIO] EURO 2016 - Streams "OR for Development and Developing Countries" and "Sustainable Living: Cognitive, Social, Economical, Ecological and World View" A. Ismael F. Vaz
27/01/2016 [APDIO] V Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Mexicana de Investigación de Operaciones A. Ismael F. Vaz
23/01/2016 [APDIO] Call for papers - Workshop for Ageing and Independent Living, Quantitative methods Isabel Gomes
21/01/2016 [APDIO] CLAIO 2016 Second Call fro Papers and information A. Ismael F. Vaz
20/01/2016 [APDIO] Computational Management Science Conference. Salamanca (Spain) 31 May -2 June 2016 A. Ismael F. Vaz
20/01/2016 [APDIO] DEADLINE EXTENSION FOR ABSTRACTS - EngOpt 2016. Iguassu Falls, Brazil - 5th Int. Conf. on Engineering Optimization APDIO
19/01/2016 [APDIO] fully funded Ph.D. positions - Quebec - Canada A. Ismael F. Vaz
18/01/2016 [APDIO] Hybrid Metaheuristics - Fwd: HM 2016 extended deadline - Save the Date! RAMALHINHO DIAS LOURENÇO, HELENA
18/01/2016 [APDIO] Fwd: HM 2016 extended deadline - Save the Date! RAMALHINHO DIAS LOURENÇO, HELENA
14/01/2016 [APDIO] MOD 2016: please to distribute in your circles (emails, blogs, and social networks) A. Ismael F. Vaz
05/01/2016 [APDIO] EURO PhD School on Sustainable Supply Chains, Koblenz & Aachen, Germany, 26th of June to 2nd of July 2016 A. Ismael F. Vaz
05/01/2016 [APDIO] Faculty Position in the Industrial Engineering Department, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Concepción, Chile A. Ismael F. Vaz
28/12/2015 [APDIO] EURO in Poznan | Teaching OR/MS Maria Antónia Carravilla
27/12/2015 [APDIO] Publicação online de todas as edições da revista Investigação Operacional - Exemplar em falta? A. Ismael F. Vaz
21/12/2015 [APDIO] "Scheduling in Healthcare" - EURO 2016 Maria Eugénia Vasconcelos Captivo
17/12/2015 [APDIO] Upcoming event: 5th Student Conference on Operational Research (SCOR 2016) SCOR16 committee
14/12/2015 [APDIO] Conference MAF 2016 - Extended deadline for abstract sublission A. Ismael F. Vaz
09/12/2015 [APDIO] Bi-level programing -- Extended Deadline IWOBIP '16 A. Ismael F. Vaz
02/12/2015 [APDIO] Call for Papers - Modelling and Simulation in Operations and Complex Supply Chains A. Ismael F. Vaz
01/12/2015 [APDIO] IFORS News December issue now available A. Ismael F. Vaz
23/11/2015 [APDIO] Fwd: 3rd CFP - EURO PHD SCHOOL on Matheuristics and Web-Services - April 20-28, 2016 A. Ismael F. Vaz
14/11/2015 [APDIO] PhD Positions, UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics, Portugal Luis Nunes Vicente
11/11/2015 [APDIO] MAF 2016 at University Paris-Dauphine - Second call A. Ismael F. Vaz
04/11/2015 [APDIO] Extended Deadline LAND TRANSLOG III A. Ismael F. Vaz
02/11/2015 [APDIO] Call for Papers: 14th International Material Handling Research Colloquium (IMHRC 2016) A. Ismael F. Vaz
02/11/2015 [APDIO] 2016 NATCOR bursaries A. Ismael F. Vaz
01/11/2015 [APDIO] EURO Distinguished Service Medal: Call for Nominations A. Ismael F. Vaz
01/11/2015 [APDIO] Curso "Optimization on smart grids" A. Ismael F. Vaz
29/10/2015 [APDIO] Last Call For Papers - 5th International Business Sustainability 2015 Conference A. Ismael F. Vaz
26/10/2015 [APDIO] Fwd: European Study in OR/MS Education >>> REMINDING: deadline extension (31-October) ! IO2015
26/10/2015 [APDIO] Call for Papers: 2016 SCALE Latin America Conference A. Ismael F. Vaz

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