Dear Presidents and Representatives,
I wish you a very Happy New Year!
Please see below the Call for the 2016 EURO PhD School on Sustainable Supply Chains. I would be grateful if you could distribute the call amongst your members. Please note that EURO have provided some financial support for the event but registration and tavel costs should be covered by the participants, either themselves or through external funding (e.g. national Science funding bodies, OR National Societies, etc.).
With best wishes.
EURO PhD School on Sustainable Supply Chains, Koblenz & Aachen, Germany, 26th of June to 2nd of July 2016,
Scope: The school aims at training PhD students in the area of Sustainable Supply Chains and is organized with the financial support of the Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO).
× Concepts and models for Sustainable Supply Chains: multicriteria decisions, trade-offs between economic, environmental and social objectives
× Inter- and multidisciplinary approaches, e.g. combining optimization and life cycle assessment, development of sustainable business models
× Specific characteristics of e.g. Biobased SCs, Closed-Loop SCs, Food SCs, Automotive SCs
× Renzo Akkerman/Martin Grunow (TU Munich)
× Jacqueline Bloemhof (Wageningen University)
× Ana Barbosa Póvoa (University of Lisbon)
× Erwin van der Laan (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
× Grit Walther (RWTH Aachen University)
Application: Interested students should send the following documents until 15th of February 2016 to
1. Application letter including:
- Name, affiliation and email-address
- PhD program you are enrolled in, current stage of studies, your supervisor‘s name(s)
- Background in Sustainability and in Operations Research
- Motivation to attend the school
- Possible motivated request for financial support from EWG SustSC
2. Curriculum vitae
3. A recommendation letter from the supervisor
Eligibility: Participants have to be from a EURO member society country or studying in a EURO member society country. They have to be enrolled in a PhD program and, preferably, in the early stages of their studies. A maximum number of 30 participants will be accepted (selected by the organizing committee).
ECTS credits: 3 ECTS for attending the school (50 hours: classes 3h/day, supervised training 2h/day, supervised work on case studies 3 h/day) + 2 ECTS (voluntary) for either a paper to be discussed with lecturers of the school or a poster to be presented
Registration fee: 150 Euros (covers accommodation in a twin room, meals, social activities and travel within school activities). The EWG SustSC will cover the registration fee for two students.
Application deadline: 15th of February 2016
Notification of acceptance: 29th of February 2016
Organizing committee: Grit Walther (RWTH Aachen University, Chair), Jacqueline Bloemhof (Wageningen University), Erwin van der Laan (Erasmus University Rotterdam)