Dear all,
on the behalf of the organizing committee I would like to inform you that the submission deadline has been extended to 5th February 2016.
Furthermore, as you likely know, HM 2016 this year offers some special sessions, whose aims and scopes can be found at the following link:
For each special session the submission deadline has been fixed to 15 February 2016.
Finally, let me remind some things:
(i) we will have three great plenary speakers, as Carlos A. Coello Coello; Jin-Kao Hao and Helena Ramalhinho Lourenço.
More info at
(ii) HM 2016 accepts two different types of submission: *regular paper* (15 pages max in Springer LNCS format); and *abstract for oral/poster presentation* (no page restriction; any format). Note that only regular papers will be included in the LNCS volume.
(iii) all significantly extended versions will be considered for a special issue in Soft Computing journal.
Of course, any suggestion as well as your research contributions are welcomed!
Thank you very much again for your consideration, and support to HM 2016!
Hopefully to meet you in Plymouth!
Best regards
Mario Pavone,
on behalf of the HM 2016 organizing committee.