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[APDIO] Bolsa de Pós-Doutoramento Universidade de Sorocaba, Brasil

•   To: <Apdio@ci.uc.pt>
•   Subject: [APDIO] Bolsa de Pós-Doutoramento Universidade de Sorocaba, Brasil
•   From: "A. Ismael F. Vaz" <aivaz@dps.uminho.pt>
•   Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2014 22:38:23 +0100

Dear all,

I have a post doctoral position to work in a project that involves optimization (linear, integer and/or stochastic programming) and applications which I need to fill as soon as possible. I would like to ask your help to disseminate the information and invite those who fulfill the requirements to apply.


Fellowship opportunity

The Laboratory of Operations Management and Logistics (GPOL) of the Center of Science and Technology, Federal University of São Carlos, Campus Sorocaba, Brazil, is selecting candidates for a post doctoral fellowship in the area of Operations Research that covers topics as linear, integer and stochastic programming, and their applications in production planning and logistics.


The postdoctoral fellow will receive a grant in the amount of R$ 4,100.00 per month for a period of 12 months. The beginning of the activities will take place immediately after the selection. The selected fellow will conduct research in conjunction with the professors Deisemara Ferreira, Douglas Alem and Eli A. V. Toso. Candidates should have good knowledge in optimization theory and applications, as well in commercial optimization solvers (e.g. GAMS, CPLEX, AMPL).



How to apply: by sending an e-mail to the professor Douglas Alem (dougepai@gmail.com, dougepai@yahoo.com.br), with the subject "post-doctoral position" with the following information:

- a document certifying the conclusion of Ph.D.

- curriculum vitae (including their full publication record) or the link to the CV Lattes (for Brazilians)

- Description of the reasons believed to be a good candidate for the position

- a reference letter or the contact e-mail of a professor who may certify the candidate skills

Some selected candidates can be interviewed via Skype for final decision.

GPOL is located in the city of Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brazil.

For further information write to dougepai@yahoo.com.br, dougepai@gmail.com

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