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Call for Applications for IFORS- ALIO Scholar to the ELAVIO in Quito, EcuadorPosted by iforsadmin | Posted on 15-09-2014 | Category Announcements [Translate] Date: February 23-27, 2015 The Latin American Association of Operations Research Societies (ALIO) and IFORS are pleased to announce the sponsorship of a participant to the Summer School in Operations Research for Young Scholars (ELAVIO). The XIX ELAVIO will be held in Quito, Ecuador from February 23 to 27, 2015. The school will take place at the Escuela Politécnica Nacional (EPN) campus and will include mini-courses, invited talks, discussion panels, and talks contributed by the participants. Topics to be covered at the school include, but are not limited to: Combinatorial Optimization and Polyhedral Theory; Nonlinear Optimization; Modeling with Linear and Nonlinear Integer Programs; applications to problem solving in the areas of sustainability, environmental care, logistics, fishery, agricultures, engineering and production, among others. Most of the courses and talks will be in Spanish (with English slides). Additional information may be found at: http://www.math.epn.edu.ec/elavio2015/index.php/en. For the selected participant, IFORS will cover airfare from his/her country (subject to a maximum limit) while ELAVIO organizers will provide living expenses during the school. Applicants for this slot should: • have done work in the fields of Optimization, Multiobjective and Multicriteria, Heuristics and Metaheuristics, Mathematical Programming, Fuzzy Logic, Decision Support Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Simulation, Networks, Logistics; • be at the early stage of her/his career; • be able to present unpublished work and answer questions in English; • be highly recommended by the adviser/supervisor of her/his work; and • file a report on the outcome of the activity. Those satisfying the above requirements are encouraged to submit their curriculum vitae, a two-page abstract of the work to be presented, and a recommendation letter by the adviser. Applications must be submitted to IFORS Vice President for ALIO Lorena Pradenas, lpradena@udec.cl, by The selected applicant will be notified by January 18, 2015. Candidates from developing countries will have an advantage in the selection. The event is jointly organized by the Ecuadorian Research Center on Mathematical Modeling (ModeMat), the Ecuadorian Mathematical Society (SEdeM), the Escuela Polit_ecnica Nacional (EPN), and the Yachay Public Company. It is sponsored by ALIO and IFORS (International Federation of Operations Research Societies). - See more at: http://ifors.org/web/call-for-applications-for-ifors-alio-scholar-to-the-elavio-in-quito-ecuador/#sthash.rl0XkLpI.dpuf Please pass this on to your members. Call for Applications for IFORS- ALIO Scholar to the ELAVIO in Quito, EcuadorDate: February 23-27, 2015
The Latin American Association of Operations Research Societies (ALIO) and IFORS are pleased to announce the sponsorship of a participant to the Summer School in Operations Research for Young Scholars (ELAVIO). The XIX ELAVIO will be held in Quito, Ecuador from February 23 to 27, 2015. The school will take place at the Escuela Politécnica Nacional (EPN) campus and will include mini-courses, invited talks, discussion panels, and talks contributed by the participants. Topics to be covered at the school include, but are not limited to: Combinatorial Optimization and Polyhedral Theory; Nonlinear Optimization; Modeling with Linear and Nonlinear Integer Programs; applications to problem solving in the areas of sustainability, environmental care, logistics, fishery, agricultures, engineering and production, among others. Most of the courses and talks will be in Spanish (with English slides). Additional information may be found at: http://www.math.epn.edu.ec/elavio2015/index.php/en. For the selected participant, IFORS will cover airfare from his/her country (subject to a maximum limit) while ELAVIO organizers will provide living expenses during the school. Applicants for this slot should: • have done work in the fields of Optimization, Multiobjective and Multicriteria, Heuristics and Metaheuristics, Mathematical Programming, Fuzzy Logic, Decision Support Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Simulation, Networks, Logistics; • be at the early stage of her/his career; • be able to present unpublished work and answer questions in English; • be highly recommended by the adviser/supervisor of her/his work; and • file a report on the outcome of the activity. Those satisfying the above requirements are encouraged to submit their curriculum vitae, a two-page abstract of the work to be presented, and a recommendation letter by the adviser. Applications must be submitted to IFORS Vice President for ALIO Lorena Pradenas, lpradena@udec.cl, by The selected applicant will be notified by January 18, 2015. Candidates from developing countries will have an advantage in the selection. The event is jointly organized by the Ecuadorian Research Center on Mathematical Modeling (ModeMat), the Ecuadorian Mathematical Society (SEdeM), the Escuela Polit_ecnica Nacional (EPN), and the Yachay Public Company. It is sponsored by ALIO and IFORS (International Federation of Operations Research Societies). |
Mensagem anterior por data: [APDIO] Call for Applications for IFORS-EURO Scholar |
Próxima mensagem por data: [APDIO] special session: Optimization tools for sustainable production and logistics - IEEE ICALT 2015 |
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [APDIO] Call for Applications: EURO PhD School on Sustainable Supply Chains (Lisbon, Portugal, 19-23 July 2020) |
Próxima mensagem por assunto: [APDIO] Call for Applications for IFORS-EURO Scholar |