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1 Research Master Fellowship Position in IAMAT Project/MIT Portugal Program @ University of Porto Call open date: April 19 - May 3, 2016 Place: Departamento de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial, FEUP & Centro de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial do Laboratório Associado INESC‐TEC Salary: € 980 per month Applications: via e-mail, to almada.lobo@fe.up.pt & recursoshumanos@fe.up.pt, indicating as reference “FEUP‐IAMAT‐Investigação Operacional” and with the following documents: motivation letter, detailed curriculum vitae, Qualification Certificate(s) and other applicable certifications. 1 Research Master Fellowship Position in IAMAT Project/MIT Portugal Program @ University of Lisboa Call open date: May 2 - May 13, 2016 Place: Centre for Management Studies of IST (CEG-IST), Instituto Superior Técnico, Alameda & TagusPark Campi Salary: € 980 per month Applications: : via e-mail, to cegist@tecnico.ulisboa.pt, with the following documents: Form B1-Application for Research Grant Form (http://drh.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/bolseiros/formularios/), motivation letter, detailed curriculum vitae, Qualification Certificate(s) and other applicable certifications. Project: The fellowships are included in the IAMAT Project - Introduction of Advanced Materials Technologies into New Product Development for the Mobility Industries - namely in the Work Package entitled “Supply Chains towards Sustainability”. Work Plan The work plan is included in one of the work packages of the IAMAT project and is focused on studying the aeronautical supply chain, based on the real case of EMBRAER. The goal of the work plan is to develop tools that allow to analyse and to quantify the impact of the development of new products in the aeronautical supply chain, as well as the usage of advanced material technologies. Four main research tasks are involved: 1 – Aeronautical supply chain case study – EMBRAER case study; 2 – Definition of supply chain metrics to quantify performance in operations, economic indicators, environmental impacts, social impacts, risk, resilience and collaboration; 3 – Analysis of supply chain collaboration as means of agile and efficient introduction of innovative products in the supply chain; 4 – Modeling the design and planning of the supply chain so as to be optimized guaranteeing sustainability, flexibility and resilience. To develop efficient solution methods by implementing hybrid solution methods using exact methods and meta-heuristics. As final goal, it is intended to develop decision support tools for the design and planning of aeronautical supply chains. Candidates We are looking for talented research-oriented people who are interested in solving real world supply chain problems using operations research approaches, namely optimization approaches. Additionally, we are looking for candidates available to pursue PhD studies under the context of the project. A successful candidate should hold a Master in Industrial Engineering and Management or equivalent, proficiency in English, both written and spoken. Knowledge of Operations Research and Supply Chains. Informal contacts regarding both positions may be addressed to: almada.lobo@fe.up.pt (FEUP Position) and susana.relvas@tecnico.ulisboa.pt (IST Position) |
Mensagem anterior por data: [APDIO] Curso "Operations Research in Health Care Logistics” |
Próxima mensagem por data: [APDIO] Call For Papers - 6th International Conference on Business Sustainability 2016 |
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [Apdio] Research Job Opportunity |
Próxima mensagem por assunto: [APDIO] Research Opportunities in Sustainable Energy Systems (Life Cycle Assessment, Operations Research) at the University of Coimbra, Portugal, in the scope of MIT-Portugal projects |