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[APDIO] bolsa de doutoramento

•   To: APDIO <apdio@ci.uc.pt>
•   Subject: [APDIO] bolsa de doutoramento
•   From: RAMALHINHO DIAS LOURENÇO, HELENA <helena.ramalhinho@upf.edu>
•   Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2018 19:55:12 +0100

Doctoral fellowship programme INPhINIT “la Caixa”

Below you can find information on the PhD scholarship from La Caixa. 

The Universitat Pompeu Fabra has the accredtitation with the Spanish Seal of Excellence Severo Ochoa, so you obtain this scholarship if you apply to the PhD program at the Department of Economics and Business:
Any additional information, please contact me (see contact below).

The doctoral fellowship programme INPhINIT “la Caixa” is devoted to attracting talented Early-Stage Researchers—of any nationality—who wish to pursue doctoral studies in Spanish or Portuguese territory. Sponsored by ”la Caixa” Foundation, it is aimed at supporting the best scientific talent and fostering innovative and high-quality research in Spain and Portugal by recruiting outstanding international students and offering them an attractive and competitive environment for conducting research of excellence.

Helena Ramalhinho Lourenço, Ph.D.
Full Professor
Department of Economics and Business
R. Trias Fargas 25-27 | 08005 Barcelona, Spain

Director of Business Analytics Research Group 

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     [APDIO] Bolsa de Doutoramento