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Caros colegas, É com prazer que anunciámos o início do período de candidaturas para a EURO PhD Summer School ‘Operational Research for Value-based Health Care’ que é patrocinada pelo EURO e tem o apoio do European Working Group of Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS) e das associações portuguesa e espanhola de Investigação Operacional (APDIO e SEIO). Melhores cumprimentos, Mónica Oliveira (em nome da Comissão Organizadora) -- CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: EURO PhD Summer School ‘Operational Research for Value-based Health Care’ -- SUMMER SCHOOL SCOPE: This EURO PhD summer school aims to be a unique forum for PhD students and young researchers working in operational research in health to get acquainted with relevant topics to address health decision-makers needs and to generate sound operational research methods, knowledge and tools aligned with value-based health care. The school is sponsored by the Association of Operational Research Societies (EURO) and promoted by the European Working Group of Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS) and by the Portuguese and Spanish Operational Research societies (APDIO and SEIO). The scientific programme was shaped so that participants have the opportunity to learn and interact with renown scholars, as well as with real hospital decision-makers involved in the school organization. KEY TOPICS COVERED: I. From modern health care challenges to OR methods and approaches. II. What is and how to measure value in health? How to model decision-makers and other stakeholders’ views for OR modelling? III. How to use simulation to produce key information for health decision-making? IV. How to achieve decision-makers objectives through mathematical programming? V. How to properly combine methods to solve real health care challenges and promote value-based health care? TARGETED PARTICIPANTS: PhD students (or early career researchers) that are interested to get an in-depth understanding of concepts, methods and tools to the development of OR for value-based health care; are motivated for developing impactful research; may be interested in presenting and discussing their research ideas; and are interested in building a research network. HOW TO APPLY: Submit a CV with picture, a synopsis of research field, problem and name of academic supervisor, a motivation letter, and one reference letter to the email orvalueinhealth@tecnico.ulisboa.pt. Applications need to be sent before the 14th February 2019. IMPORTANT DATES: - Closing of applications: 14th February 2019 (Greenwich time) - Announcement of results: 14th March 2019 - Summer school: 1st-8th September 2019 CONTACTS: Summer school email: orvalueinhealth@tecnico.ulisboa.pt; Summer school Chairs: Mónica Oliveira (monica.oliveira@tecnico.ulisboa.pt); Fermin Mallor (mallor@unavarra.es) All info about the summer school can be accessed in: http://orvalueinhealth.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/ |
Summer school Announcement 14012019.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document
Mensagem anterior por data: [APDIO] ReTraCE call: open until 15-January-2019! |
Próxima mensagem por data: [APDIO] OR in the Physical Internet at EURO 2019 |
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [APDIO] Call for abstracts - 20th ESICUP meeting in Guimarães |
Próxima mensagem por assunto: [APDIO] Call for Papers: Special issue on "Multiple Criteria Decision Making: Current Challenges and Future Trends" |