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< Anterior por data | < Anterior por assunto | MENSAGEM Nº 01251 de 1524 | Próxima por assunto > | Próxima por data > |
-------- Mensagem reencaminhada --------
Research grant in "Optimization Models for Transportation with Crowdsourcing" INESC TEC is accepting applications to award one Postdoctoral Grant in project "LASTMILE - Rethinking last-mile delivery through crowdsourcing". Project overview: This project deals with inviting in-store customers for delivering parcels, ordered by on-line customers, on their way home. The remaining parcels must be delivered by the company's fleet of professional drivers, whose route is optimized as a vehicle routing problem. This allows reducing environmental impacts and urban congestion. The project concerns the development of models and tools for solving this problem, which turns out to be a very challenging stochastic combinatorial optimization problem. Reference Monthly Value (gross): €2.128,34 Application Period: from 2019-02-21 to 2019-04-15 For additional information on the project and project team please check: http://www.dcc.fc.up.pt/~jpp/Announcements/LastMile.html The application form is available at: https://www.inesctec.pt/en/opportunities/modeling-simulation-and-optimization-AE2019-0053#intro Application guidelines and details on this call can be consulted in: https://repositorio.inesctec.pt/editais/en/AE2019-0053.pdf https://www.inesctec.pt/ip-en/work-with-us/bolsas-inescporto/AE2016-0387?set_language=en&cl=en For additional information please contact João Pedro Pedroso (University of Porto) - jpp [@] fc.up.pt |
Mensagem anterior por data: [APDIO] INFORMS/ALIO International Meeting Cancun 2019: Call for Abstracts |
Próxima mensagem por data: [APDIO] Fwd: 2-3 May: 1st EUROYoung Workshop in Seville, Spain |
Mensagem anterior por assunto: [APDIO] Fwd: [research_degi] FYI :: Tenure Track Assistant Professor in "Sustainability Assessment of Food and Agriculture Systems" at Technical University of Munich |
Próxima mensagem por assunto: [APDIO] Fwd: ROADEF/EURO Challenge 2020 |