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[APDIO] EURO Newsletter #76, November 13, 2019

•   To: <apdio@ci.uc.pt>
•   Subject: [APDIO] EURO Newsletter #76, November 13, 2019
•   From: "Susana Relvas" <susana.relvas@tecnico.ulisboa.pt>
•   Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2019 08:02:15 -0000



From: EURO The Association of European Operational Research Societies <manager@euro-online.ccsend.com> On Behalf Of EURO The Association of European Operational Research Societies
Sent: 13 November 2019 23:08
Subject: EURO Newsletter #76, November 13, 2019



EURO Newsletter # 76

November 13, 2019




We welcome submissions to the following journals published by EURO.


European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), published by Elsevier. Created as an independent journal in 1976, EJOR became a EURO journal in 1990. Its coordinating Editor is Roman Slowinski.


EURO Journal on Computational Optimization (EJCO), published by Springer. It was officially launched in 2011. Its Editor in Chief is Martine Labbé.


EURO Journal on Decision Processes (EJDP), published by Springer. It was officially launched in 2011. Its Editor in Chief is Vincent Mousseau.

EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics (EJTL), published by Springer. It was officially launched in 2011. Its Editor in Chief is Michel Bierlaire/Dominique Feillet.


We now have 9 tutorials published in the series of EURO Advanced Tutorials. Please take a look at our titles:




Series Editors

·     M. Grazia Speranza, Dipartimento de Economia e management. Università di Brescia. Italy. (e-mail: grazia.speranza@unibs.it)

·     José Fernando Oliveira, Faculdade de Engenhaira. Universidade do Porto, Portugal. (e-mail: jfo@fe.up.pt)


Please contact the editors for more information or to submit ideas for topics.



It is important to include reminders about particular EURO events and publications as the deadlines approach but these will now be shaded slightly so that regular readers can more easily see the new items.



Special Announcements


2020 IFORS Conference


Seoul, Korea,

21-26 June, 2020




The Organizing and Program Committees for IFORS 2020 welcomes all operations researchers to attend the 22nd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS).


The IFORS 2020 conference will highlight global developments in Operations Research and show how the tools of Operations Research are expanding their impact on society, health, science and industry. IFORS conferences, held only once every three years, provide a platform for experts from around the world to showcase the diverse potential of state-of-the-art Operations Research techniques and technologies. IFORS 2020 offers a unique opportunity to network with Operations Research analysts, industrial users of Operations Research, and academic and industry experts from all parts of the globe.


This is the first IFORS conference to be held in Asia since the 15th conference in China 20 years ago. It is thus an exciting opportunity to bring together Operations Researchers from the field in Asia, where it has experienced vigorous and rapid growth, with colleagues from all regions of the world.


The conference includes a Wednesday-afternoon social event where you can choose among a variety of tours, such as the Demilitarized Zone tour, where you can witness the history of Korea’s division, the Industrial Tour to Korea’s leading ICT companies, as well as other programs that will explore K-POP and Hallyu, K-Beauty and K-Culture, and show you the most historic buildings and markets in the city.


The timing of the meeting in late June assures that it will be warm and sunny.


Four plenary speakers headline the scientific program:

* Gang Yu, who is co-founder and CEO of 111, Inc and previously head of world-wide supply chain for Amazon, VP for worldwide procurement for Dell, Inc and CEO of Yihaodian, a leading e-commerce company in China;

* Robin Keller, Professor at UC Irvine and former editor-in-chief of the Journal Decision Analysis, her research spans the areas of multiple attribute decision making, fairness, perceived risk, and planning protections against terrorism, environmental, health, and safety risks;

* Luk Van Wassenhove, Professor at INSEAD whose research focuses on business models and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, he co-edited several special issues on humanitarian operations for leading international journals; and

* Maria Conceição Andrade Silva (EURO Plenary), Professor at Católica Porto Business School, Portugal, who is a world expert in Data Envelopment Analysis, and in the field of efficiency and productivity measurement, having applied it in many contexts, including bank branches, schools, retail outlets, water companies, general practice units, hospitals and courts.


The abstract submission system is available online, via https://www.euro-online.org/conf/ifors2020/.



Abstract Submission Deadline - January 17, 2020

Abstracts Accepted/Rejected Deadline - January 31, 2020

Early-bird Registration Deadline - February 28, 2020

Speakers Registration Deadline - March 1, 2020


IFORS, and the IFORS Conference Organizing Committee and Program Committee are looking forward to greeting you in Seoul in 2020!




Conferences, Schools and Meetings


EURO PhD Schools in 2020



6-17 July 2020, Ankara, Turkey


Deadline for Application: February 1, 2020


Call for Application

In order to submit your application, please email the following information to mcdmss20@metu.edu.tr

* a motivation letter

* CV with photo

* a recommendation letter from a scientific advisor, students who are in need of financial support will also apply for support and the advisors should verify this need.

* the application form filled with your information 

You will receive a confirmation of application submission. 

The deadline for the submission of applications is February 1, 2020. The results of the selection process will be announced by February 15, 2020. If accepted, you will receive an e-mail with instructions for registration. 

The number of participants will be limited to 50.


EURO PhD School on Data Driven Decision Making and Optimization

10-19 July 2020, Seville, Spain



This EURO PhD School (EPS) will focus on giving participants advanced training on Data Driven Decision Making. There will be a methodological as well as an applied component to this EPS. Methodological training on the role of Mathematical Optimization in Data Science will be given in the format of lectures and computer workshops. The lectures will highlight the mathematical and statistical modeling and numerical optimization behind data analysis and data visualization tools. The computer workshops will make this knowledge actionable. Applications of the acquired knowledge to the modeling of specific industrial problems will be presented by professionals from industry and worked out by the PhD students. Mathematical and statistical models and numerical solution approaches will be developed and communicated, following a collaborative approach, in which the PhD students will work in small groups under the guidance of the instructors.


EURO PhD School on Sustainable Supply Chains

19-23 July 2020, Lisbon, Portugal

Deadline for Application: January 20, 2020


There are 30 available seats for the 2020 Sustainable Supply Chains Summer School. Due to the limited capacity there is an application processes for those that want to participate.


To apply to the EURO PhD School on Sustainable Supply Chains the candidates should be from a EURO member society country, or studying in a EURO member society country. Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously received support from EURO for other PhD schools.


Applications are open until January 20, 2020, via this form.

For the application the following documents are needed:

Application letter

-Name, affiliation, and email-address

-PhD program enrolled in, current stage of studies, PhD supervisor‘s names

-Background in Sustainability and in Operations Research

-Motivation to attend the PhD School

Curriculum Vitae

Recommendation letter from the PhD supervisor





International Conference on Mathematical Optimization for Fair Social Decisions: A tribute to Michel Balinski


Paris, France, 3-4 December, 2019


We invite you to attend and complete the registration form, which is free but mandatory (according to the CNRS rules, only registered people can have access).


REGISTRATION (is closed on the 24th of November 2019)https://tombalinski.sciencesconf.org/registration 


SPEAKERS: Louis Billera (Cornell), Felix Brandt (Munich), Yann Brenier (ENS), Roberto Cominetti (Santiago), Alessandra Casella (Columbia), José Correa (Santiago), Gabrielle Demange (EHESS), Pradeep Dubey (Stony Brook), Curtis Eaves (Stanford), Edith Elkind (Oxford), Jon Lee (Michigan), Eric Maskin (Harvard), Claire Mathieu (ENS), Iain McLean (Oxford), Hervé Moulin (Glasgow), Vincent Pons (Harvard), Friedrich Pukelsheim (Augsburg), Chloé Ridel (Mieux Voter), Gautier Stauffer (Kedges), Clemens Puppe (Karlsruhe), John Weymark (Vanderbilt), Peyton Young (Oxford)


Michel Balinski studied in the United States with graduate degrees from MIT (MSc) and Princeton (PhD). He held professorial positions in mathematics, economics and administrative sciences at Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania, the Graduate School of the City University of New York, Yale and Stony Brook University. After he moved to France in 1980, he was appointed Research Director “de classe exceptionnelle” of the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique at the Ecole Polytechnique. He was Director of the Laboratoire d'Econométrie there until his retirement in 1999.


Michel is the founder and first editor of Mathematical Programming and, having been one of the founders of the Mathematical Optimization Society also served as its president. He is celebrated for, among other things, his work on the diameter of polytopes that arise from the transportation problem and primal-dual algorithms for the matching problem. In voting, he is known for his contributions to the study of electoral systems and notably his two books on fair representation and Majority Judgment. For his contributions he was honored with INFORMS’ John von Neumann theory prize and The Lester Ford prize of the Mathematical Association of America. This conference will be the occasion to overview some of his main contributions in theory and practice.


2nd NeEDS Modeling Week


Santiago, Chile, 6-11 January, 2020


The aims of NeEDS Modelling Week are

(i) to train students in modeling real-world problems using quantitative approaches, drawn from Data Science and Mathematical Optimization,

(ii) to stimulate their collaboration and communication skills in an international and intersectoral environments,

(iii) to bring together academia with professionals from the public and private sector to show the potentials advanced quantitative models can have for practice as well as to nurture the respective research agendas.


The format of the Second NeEDS Modeling Week is to spend one week working to solve real-world problems using different quantitative modeling approaches. Small groups of Master students, Ph.D. students, and junior researchers (like post-doctoral students) will be assigned to each problem in term of their preference and own skills. During the first day of the event the problems will be presented. An instructor leads each of these groups throughout the week. During the following four days, students will work on solving the problems under the guidance of the instructor and industrial collaborators. The final day of the meeting will be devoted to the presentation of the results.


People interested in participating in the Second NeEDS Modeling Week should register as soon as possible but no later than December 10, 2019. Registration will be confirmed; preference will be given to Master students, Ph.D. students, and junior researchers (like post-doctoral students). To register for this modeling week, please follow the link



ORBEL- Belgian Operational Research Society




Lille, France, 30-31 January, 2020


We invite all researchers, practitioners, and students interested in quantitative methods for decision making to attend the 34th annual conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society (ORBEL 34) on January 30 – 31, 2020. ORBEL 34 will take place at Centrale Lille, close o the Belgian border. Centrale Lille is an engineering school located near Lille at the university campus (cité scientifique) of Villeneuve d'Ascq, France.


The conference is intended as a meeting place for researchers and users of OR, statistics, computer science, and related fields. It provides managers, practitioners, and researchers with a unique opportunity to exchange information on quantitative techniques for decision making.


The confirmed keynote speakers of this edition are:

- Prof. Miguel Anjos, The University of Edinburgh

- Prof. Adam Letchford, Lancaster University


Important dates:

Abstract submission deadline: December 22, 2019

End of early registration: January 21, 2020


SIGOPT 2020 International Conference on Optimization


Dortmund, Germany, 4-6 March, 2020


The SIGOPT conference series addresses the full range of theory and practice in all branches of mathematical optimization.


Young researchers from all areas of optimization are especially encouraged to participate and to present their work. There will be a "Work in Progress" session. The conference will provide a good opportunity for exchanging ideas, especially across disciplines, and for establishing contacts with colleagues in a friendly atmosphere.


Plenary Speakers:

- Christian Clason (Universität Duisburg-Essen)

- Peter Gritzmann (Technische Universität München)

- Laura Palagi (Sapienza Università di Roma)

- Sebastian Sager (Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg)

- Angelika Wiegele (Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt)


Important Dates

- proposal of invited sessions: until 15th December 2019

- abstract submission: until 31st December 2019

- notification of acceptance: in timely manner after abstract submission, at latest end of January 2020


8th INFORMS Optimization Society Conference


Greenville, SC, USA, 15-17 March, 2020


The 2020 theme of the conference is Bridging Data and Decision Making. The Greenville, SC area is widely regarded as one of the top downtown areas in the country, and promises a wealth of entertainment options in a comfortable, safe, and beautiful locale. The conference will be held in Westin Poinsett, a historical hotel located at the heart of downtown Greenville, SC.


Conference website: cecas.clemson.edu/informs-conference

Abstract submission link: easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ios2020

Abstract submission deadline: December 15, 2019


Plenary Speakers

·     Cynthia Rudin (Duke)

·     Pascal Van Hentenryck (Georgia Tech)

·     Juan Pablo Vielma (MIT)

·     Andreas Waechter (Northwestern)


Submission Guidelines

An abstract of no more than 200 words should be submitted through the submission page. Names and affiliations of all authors should be provided, with the presenting author listed first. For the first time in the history of the INFORMS Optimization Society Conference, we plan to have a refereed abstracts track, plus a best paper award to be given to the submission in this category. Authors who choose to compete for the best paper award at the INFORMS Optimization Society Conference should submit an extended abstract of up to four pages, in addition to the abstract of the talk. In this extended abstract, the authors must include a publicly accessible link to the full manuscript, e.g., Optimization Online, ArXiv, etc.


EWG POR, EURO working group on Practice of OR


3rd conference of the EURO Working Group on the Practice of Operations Research


Berlin, Germany, 19-20 March, 2020


Challenges in the deployment of OR projects


We invite you to contribute to our discussions at the 3rd EWG-POR conference. Our focus will be OR projects that have met with difficulties during their implementation, including

* particularly tricky or unusual technical requirements that had to be addressed during the development phase; or

* issues related to the use or acceptance by non-OR-expert end-users.


Contributions that discuss experiences with the management of change in operations due to the introduction of an optimization or analytics application in an organization are of particular interest.


Please send your (maximum of) 1-page abstract in MS Word or PDF format to ewgporberlin@zib.de.


Submission deadline: 10 December, 2019



• Optimization in Finance – Practice and Challenges by Adrian Symolka, Managing Director at Axioma, Germany

• Delivering OR Solutions for Everyday Operations in Energy Trading by Colin Silvester, Senior Modelling Specialist at Uniper, UK

• Successful Value Chain Optimization at a Checmical Company by Steffen Klosterhalfen, Operations Research Expert at BASF SE, Germany


Preliminary programme, information and registration (free): https://ewg_por_berlin_2020.eventbrite.co.uk



EWG CFM, EURO working group on Commodities and Financial Modelling


64th EWGCFM meeting and XVIII International Conference on Finance and Banking


Bucharest, Romania, 26-28 March, 2020


We are pleased to announce the joint conference in occasion of the 64th EWGCFM meeting and the XVIII International FIBA conference. The aim is to exchange ideas of the state-of-the-art for new research results, perspectives of upcoming progresses, and novel applications relevant for markets, finance and banking.


The two conferences will have some sessions in common, according to specific research topics, while other sessions will be scheduled in line with the standard conference organization. A round table on “The role of Fintech in the financial market dynamics” will be organized in line with the EWGCFM tradition, where participants from academia and financial institutions share their ideas. Regular parallel sessions will be organized with the presentation of refereed papers followed by a discussant presentation. The discussant assignments will be made by the conference organizers until March 12, 2020. Each paper will be sent to the discussant by the conference organizers. A maximum two papers for each participant are allowed.


Important deadlines

Paper Submission Deadline: January 12, 2020

Notification of paper acceptance/rejection: February 16, 2020 by e-mail to the corresponding author.

Early birds registration fee: February 21, 2020


Submission of papers

The submitted papers must not have been previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere. At the conference will be accepted maximum two papers for each participant.

Only full papers may be submitted in PDF (one PDF where must be indicated the author/s of the paper and other PDF without the author/s of the paper). Papers should be submitted to: fiba@fin.ase.ro


EWG PMS, EURO working group on Project Management and Scheduling


PMS 2020 - 17th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling


Toulouse, France, 15-17 April, 2020


The Workshop is held every two years in different locations around Europe. This event brings together researchers and practitioners from different disciplines of Computer Science, Operational Research, Optimization Engineering, Mathematical Programming and Industrial Engineering. The Workshop covers theoretical results and algorithmic developments in the fields of Project Management and Scheduling, including project management and scheduling practice and applications to real-life situations.


Methodological/theoretical papers related to Operations Research, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning models, exact and heuristic algorithms for scheduling problems are welcome as well papers dealing with data-driven approaches, practical applications and industrial case studies. 


All researchers, academics, PhD students and practitioners working on the Workshop themes are invited to participate to PMS 2020 submitting an extended abstract (length 4 single-spaced A4 pages). Templates and guidelines to authors are available on the PMS 2020 website. These 4-page submissions will be reviewed according to the standard reviewing process of international Workshops. A selection of submissions will be presented during the Workshop.


Important deadlines:

Paper submission Extended: 15th November 2019

Notification of acceptance: 31st January 2020

Final paper due date: 14th February 2020

Early registration: 14th February 2020


EWG ESICUP, EURO working group on Cutting and Packing


17th ESICUP Meeting


Toledo, Spain, 22-24 April, 2020


17th ESICUP workshop, 22-24 April, Toledo (UNESCO world heritage site), Spain. Hosted by the University of Castilla-La-Mancha.



To be considered for presenting at the 17th ESICUP Meeting, submit an abstract (3000 characters maximum, approximately 1 page) summarising the research, including details of the problem tackled, the methodology used and the main conclusions drawn. You may submit by sending an email to esicup@gmail.com, that includes: Title, Authors, Affiliation, Abstract and Keywords.


Important Dates

Abstract Submission deadline: 15th February 2020

Notification of Acceptance: 1st May 2020


EURO working group on Retail Operations


5th EURO Working Group Meeting on Retail Operations


Istanbul, Turkey 6-8 May, 2020




The 5th EURO Working Group Meeting on Retail Operations will take place from 6th-8th May 2020 in Istanbul, Turkey.


More details to follow.


CPAIOR 2020, 17th International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research


Vienna, Austria, 26-29 May, 2020


The aim of the conference is to bring together interested researchers from Constraint Programming (CP), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Operations Research (OR) to present new techniques or applications and to provide an opportunity for researchers in one area to learn about techniques in the others. A main objective of this conference series is also to give these researchers the opportunity to show how the integration of techniques from different fields can lead to interesting results on large and complex problems. Therefore, papers that actively combine, integrate, or contrast approaches from more than one of the areas are especially solicited. High quality papers from a single area are also welcome, if they are of interest to other communities involved. Application papers showcasing CP/AI/OR techniques on novel and challenging applications or experience reports on such applications are strongly encouraged.


Submissions are of two types: regular papers (submitted for publication and presentation) and extended abstracts (submitted for presentation only). Outstanding regular paper submissions may be invited to be published directly in the journal Constraints through a ‘fast track’ process.


Submission schedule for regular papers (both long and short):


- Abstracts: November 22, 2019

- Full papers: November 29, 2019

- Rebuttal Phase: January 10-17, 2020

- Notification: January 27, 2020

- Camera-ready version: February 28, 2020


Submission schedule for extended abstracts:


- Abstracts: February 21, 2020

- Notification: March 6, 2020


All papers are to be submitted electronically in PDF format by following the instructions at the URL



EWG DSS, EURO working group on Decision Support Systems


ICDSST 2020 6th International Conference on Decision Support System Technology


Zaragoza, Spain, 27-29 May, 2020


Cognitive Decision Support Systems & Technologies


The Organizing Committee of the ICDSST 2020 invites researchers, developers and specialists in the related areas of decision making, including its methodologies and technologies, as well as application oriented practitioners directed to the implementation of solutions for DSS challenges to submit their work to the ICDSST 2020 Conference.

Full Papers:

Full papers should be 11-13 pages long using LNBIP template from Springer by following “Instructions for Authors”.

Short Papers:

Short papers should have up to 6 pages and should use the Short-Paper ICDSST 2019 Template.


Posters should use the Poster ICDSST 2020 Template, which is set up to yield a 70 cm x 100 cm vertical poster. Printing of Posters for exhibition on the Conference Hall, will be at the responsibility of their own authors.


Deadlines for Submissions:

Submission of full papers: 30 November 2019

Submission of short papers: 1 March 2020

Submission of posters: 15 March 2020


XIII International Summer School on Risk Measurement and Control: Special Session Fintech and Digital Banking


Rome, Italy, 3-6 June, 2020


Held by:

* David Shrier, Oxford University

* Sheri Kaiserman, Advanced Security



Held by:

* Nick Ogden: CEO Clear Bank

* Marcello Minenna, Consob, Italy



Held by:

* Stefano Del Punta, CFO ISP

* Nassim Nicholas Taleb



Held by:

* Carol Alexander, Sussex University

* Massimo Morini, Università Bocconi, Italy



Held by:

* Veronica Lange, Head of Innovation UBS



Held by:

* Helyette Geman, Birkbeck University and John Hopkins University



Held by:

* David Yermack, Stern School, New York University

* Pasquale Cirillo, Delft University of Technology


EWG ECCO, EURO working group on Combinatorial Optimization


ECCO XXXIII 2020 Conference


St. Petersburg, Russia, 4-6 June, 2020

The 33rd Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization (ECCO 2020) will be held in the beautiful city of St. Petersburg on June 4–6, 2020, during the white nights season. It will be hosted by St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The ECCO annual meetings aim to bring together researchers in the field of Combinatorial Optimization to present their work, share experiences, and discuss recent advances in theory and applications.


The plenary speakers will include Laureano F. Escudero, Martine Labbé and Mihalis Yannakakis



Authors are invited to submit a one page abstract as pdf using a LaTeX template. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and present the paper at the conference. Submissions should be uploaded through EasyChair. A special issue of an international refereed journal containing selected full length papers will be dedicated to the conference.


Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline: February 1, 2019

Notification of acceptance: March 1, 2019

Early registration deadline: March 15, 2019


EWG VeRoLog, EURO working group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics


VeRoLog 2020


Hamburg, Germany, 15-17 June, 2020

This 2020-meeting will take place in the beautiful city of Hamburg, Germany. We cordially invite you to submit your work and participate.



Conference:June 14–17, 2020

Get-together:June 14, 2020

Scientific program/ talks:June 15–17, 2020

Submission phase:OCT 01, 2019--JAN 31, 2020

Submission deadline:JAN 31, 2020

Notification of acceptance:FEB 28, 2020



CTW2020: 18th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial



Ischia, Italy, 15-17 June, 2020


The Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization 2020 welcomes contributions on theory and applications of discrete algorithms, graphs and combinatorial optimization in the wider sense.


CTWs are especially intended to let doctoral students and young researchers present the results of their research activities in a friendly and highly interactive atmosphere.



*Dan Bienstock* (Columbia University, USA)

*Marco Sciandrone* (Università di Firenze, Italia)



There will be two types of submissions:

*Standard papers* (from 8 to 12 pages)

*Traditional CTW Extended abstracts* (up to 4 pages)



*December 31st, 2019: Submission deadline for Standard papers.

*February 15th, 2020: Notification of acceptance for standard papers.

*March 1st, 2020: Submission deadline for extended abstracts.

*April 15th, 2020: Notification of acceptance for extended abstracts.

*May 1st, 2020: Deadline for Early Registration payment.

*June 15th, 2020: Beginning of Conference.


Commodity and Energy Markets Association Annual Meeting 2020 (CEMA 2020)


Madrid, Spain, 18-19 June, 2020


Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and ECOMFIN Research Center at ESSEC Business School Paris are delighted to announce the: Commodity and Energy Markets Association Annual Meeting 2020 (CEMA 2020).


Keynote Speakers

Lutz Kilian (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)

Mike Ludkowski (University of California at Santa Barbara)



• Best paper award

• Best PhD student paper award


Important Dates

• December 1, 2019: Start of the submission period

February 17, 2020: End of the submission period

• April 15, 2019: Notification of acceptance/rejection

• May 1, 2019: Early bird registration deadline (speakers must register by this date to be included in the program)


EWG EUROPT, EURO working group on Continuous Optimization


EUROPT 2020 - 18th Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization


Toulouse, France, 1-3 July, 2020


In 2020, the annual event of the EUROPT continuous optimization working group of EURO (The Association of European Operational Research Societies) will take place in Toulouse, France.


It will be hosted at ENAC (Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile), the French National School of Civil Aviation.


Call for Contributions

The submission system will be opened mid December 2019.

Researchers interested in organizing a session (3 or 4 talks) are invited to contact the Program Chair at sonia.cafieri@enac.fr


Important Dates

Abstract Submission: March 1, 2020

Abstract Acceptance: March 15, 2020

Registration deadline: April 15, 2020


RuORS - Russian Operational Research Society


International Conference on Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research (MOTOR 2020)


Novosibirsk, Russia, 6-10 July, 2020


The aims of the conference is to bring together a wide research community in the fields of mathematical programming and global optimization, discrete optimization, complexity theory and combinatorial algorithms, games and their applications in relevant practical problems of operations research, mathematical economy, and data analysis.


Confirmed plenary speakers

- Alexander Kostochka, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

- Soumyendu Raha, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

- Aida Abiad, Maastricht University, Netherlands

- Bo Chen, University of Warwick, UK

- Sergei Chubanov, Bosch Research, Germany

- Yakov Zinder, University of Technology Sydney, Australia


Important dates

- abstract submission: January 17, 2020

- full paper submission: February 14, 2020

- notification of acceptance: March 20, 2020

- camera ready version: April 10, 2020

- payment of the registration fee (100 euro): June 5, 2020


Abstract and Paper Submission

Abstract submission of the paper is by the easychair conference management system.



Yury Kochetov

Organizing Committee MOTOR 2020

Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Akademika Koptyuga aven., 4 Novosibirsk. 630090. Russia

E-mail: motor@math.nsc.ru


EWG SUSTSC, EURO Working Group on Sustainable Supply Chains


3rd Conference on Sustainable Supply Chains (SustSC 2020)


Lisbon, Portugal, 23-25 July, 2020


We would like to invite you to submit abstracts for presentations at the 3rd Conference on Sustainable Supply Chains (SustSC 2020). SustSC 2020 is organized by the EURO Working Group on Sustainable Supply Chains (EWG-SustSC) in cooperation with the Operations Research and Logistics group at Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon University and sponsored by the Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO).



SustSC 2020 Conference offers the European and International Sustainable Supply Chain community opportunities to present state-of-the-art developments and to discuss current challenges in Sustainable Supply Chains. Researchers and practitioners interested in the implementation of Sustainable Supply Chains are welcome.



We invite works on the state of the art research and innovative approaches for Sustainable Supply Chain Management. We are looking for papers tackling Operations Research methodologies as well as applications for Sustainable Supply Chains.


Abstract submission deadline: 30th of April, 2020

Notification of acceptance: 15th of May, 2020


Contact: sustsc2020@tecnico.ulisboa.pt


EWG ORAHS, EURO Working Group on Health Services


ORAHS 2020 - 46th International Conference on OR applied to Health Services


Vienna, Austria 26-31 July, 2020



ORAHS provides a network for researchers involved in the application of systematic and quantitative analysis in support of planning and management in the health services sector. The meeting is open to anyone with a quantitative background and those who have interest in the subject area. For more information about ORAHS please visit the website: ORAHS website


EWG/DSO Data Science meets Optimization


COSEAL workshop


Bruges, Belgium, 23-25 August, 2020



EWG PATAT, EURO Working Group on Automated Timetabling


PATAT 2020


Bruges, Belgium, 25-29 August, 2020


In more ways than one, 1995 was a momentous year: a small startup by the name of Amazon sold its first book online, the first ever Wiki was launched, and the Java programming language was announced to the world. But far more importantly (some might say), the year also played host to the very first PATAT conference in Edinburgh.


The 2020 edition of PATAT will therefore mark its silver anniversary. Organized by KU Leuven and to be held in beautiful Bruges (Belgium) August 25-29, 2020, PATAT 2020 promises to provide the perfect setting for researchers and practitioners to reflect on the substantial progress made by the timetabling academic community over the last twenty-five years as well as to anticipate where we might be headed in the next twenty-five. To complement this historical reflection and anticipation of the future, a range of exciting plenary talks will be given by experts in established areas of timetabling as well as newly emerging ones. We therefore wish to extend a warm invitation to anyone with an interest in timetabling or related problems to participate by submitting a paper by January 30, 2020.


We are proud to announce that the following professors will deliver plenary talks:

* Celso C. Ribeiro, Computer Science, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil

* Sigrid Knust, Institut für Informatik, Universität Osnabrück, Germany

* Andrea Schaerf, Computer Science, University of Udine, Italy

* Deepak Ajwani, School of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Ireland

* Peter Nightingale, Department of Computer Science, University of York, UK


PATAT 2020 will take place together with the COnfiguration and SElection of ALgorithms (COSEAL) workshop August 23-25, a few days before the conference begins.


We look forward to welcoming you to Bruges where you will able to sample some of the finest versions of the very best things life has to offer.




European Journal on Transportation and Logistics


Special Issue: Call for Papers on Public transportation planning in the face of uncertainty


Guest Editors: K. Gkiotsalitis, M. Schmidt and I. Rodriguez Martin


Deadline for submission: November 30, 2019 


Operations in public transportation systems are vulnerable to delays, disruptions, and other forms of uncertainty, such as the variation of passenger demand. Uncertainties related to traffic dynamics, operations, and passenger demand affect the reliability of the services and can lead to low passenger satisfaction and ridership loss.


Public transportation planning that does not consider operational uncertainty offers services that perform well on the average case, but are vulnerable to disruptions during the actual operations. If operational uncertainty is not considered at the planning stage, slight disruptions can affect the entire spectrum of the public transport system spanning from the service frequencies and timetables to the vehicle/crew schedules and transfer synchronizations.


This special issues provides a view on the topic of mitigating the adverse effects of uncertainty in public transportation from different angles. On the one hand, we invite contributions that help us to understand and quantify the vulnerability and/or robustness of public transportation systems, and provide methods or algorithms to design reliable, resilient or robust transportation systems. On the other hand, since delays and disruptions can never be (fully) avoided, there is a need for fast algorithms and strategies for re-planning and rescheduling in case of delay, disruption, and other unplanned events. The special issue is based on research presented at the EURO 2019 conference, but also invites other contributions that fit the scope.


Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

*Delay propagation and prediction

*Measuring and quantifying reliability/robustness of public transportation systems

*Public transportation planning under uncertainty, e.g., reliable/robust line planning, frequency setting, timetabling, rolling stock / crew scheduling

*Re-planning of public transport services

*Delay and disruption management


In order to submit a paper for a Special Issue,

1. Log on the editorial manager using the Author Login.

2. Select Submit New Manuscript in the main menu.

3. In the drop down list associated with Choose Article Type, select the desired special issue. The entries corresponding to the special issues start with SI. . 


Annals of Operations Research


Special Issue: Call for Papers on Artificial Intelligence in Operations Management


Guest Editors: Samuel Fosso Wamba, Maciel M. Queiroz, Ashley Braganza

Deadline for submission: February 15, 2020


The recent and exponential increase in the number of adopters of digital technologies, thanks to information and communications technology (ICTs) advances, has been drastically changing the field of operations management (OM). Even though it has been already studied for decades, artificial intelligence (AI) has gained high momentum only in the recent decade, in the wake of an unprecedented development of the Internet and social networks. So, organizations definitely started to incorporate AI techniques into the management of their various operations.


The main objective of this special issue (SI) is to unlock the potential of AI applications in the OM field. Scholars and practitioners interested in providing and sharing the finest and latest advances in the Interplay of AI in the OM field are therefore invited to submit their work. High-quality original research papers are expected. We would especially welcome innovative contributions based on survey research, in-depth real cases, multicriteria methodologies, and research based on mixed-methods approaches.


Instructions for authors can be found at: 

http://www.springer.com/business/operations+research/journal/10479 Authors should submit a cover letter and a manuscript by February 15, 2020, via the Journal’s online submission site.


Manuscripts submitted after the deadline may not be considered for the special issue and may be transferred, if accepted, to a regular issue.


Please see the Author Instructions on the web site if you have not yet submitted a paper through Springer's web-based system, Editorial Manager. When making a comment, please select the article’s type "S.I. : Artificial Intelligence in Operations Management" to ensure that it will be reviewed for this Special Issue.


Optimization Methods & Software


Special Issue: Call for Papers on Advances of Optimization in Science, Economics, Engineering and Medicine


Guest Editor: Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber

Deadline for submission: February 15, 2020

Papers presented at, or related to the subjects of the International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, ICCESEN 2019, October 23-27, 2019, Kemer, Antalya, Turkey (http://www.iccesen.org/), will be considered for peer-reviewed publication in a special issue of the journal Optimization Methods and Software (OMS): http://www.tandfonline.com/goms.


The paper length should not exceed 25 journal pages.

Submissions should follow the journal’s style and guidelines presented here: 



Manuscript submission must be made online via the journal’s ScholarOne Manuscripts site http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/goms. To specify the special issue, choose “ICCESEN-2019”.



Construction Innovation



Special Issue: Call for Papers on Hybrid Simulation in Construction


Guest Editors: Farnad Nasirzadeh, Susan Howick, SangHyun Lee


Deadline for submission: March 31, 2020


Simulation has proven to be a popular modelling method by enabling real world systems to be represented in a virtual environment, allowing the impact of different managerial actions to be assessed in a risk-free environment. Recently, Hybrid Simulation (HS) has gained a lot of attention when modelling highly dynamic and complex systems by combining two or more simulation methods.


Simulation models are well established in construction management research, with System Dynamics (SD), Agent Based Modeling (ABM), and Discrete Event Simulation (DES), being increasingly utilized. Each of the alternative simulation methods offer a different perspective and explain system behaviour through the underlying influencing factors. By using a single simulation paradigm, it is hard to account for the dynamic behaviour of construction systems as there is a need to address a range of influencing factors. Construction systems are influenced by operational-level variables, interactions between agents and context-level variables. These variables can be modelled by DES, ABM and SD modelling methods, respectively. These simulation methods can be hybridised to aid understanding of different aspects of the system. HS presents a methodology enabling modellers to benefit from the capabilities of one simulation method whilst compensating for the deficiencies of another simulation method. HS allows us to model complex construction systems more effectively by accounting for a wider range of underlying influencing factors.


The main aim of this special issue of Construction Innovation is to devote significant attention to publishing the latest developments and findings on hybrid simulation and its applications in construction. The specific aims are as follows:

* Discussing the latest developments and findings on HS

* Demonstrate the necessity of using HS to model highly complex and dynamic systems/problems more efficiently

* Provide case studies of hybrid simulation applications within the construction sector

* Demonstrate the capabilities of HS models in construction management research and its application areas


All submissions must be made via the journal's ScholarOne page. Please read the author guidelines before submitting.


Annals of Operations Research


Special Issue: Call for Papers on Design and Management of Humanitarian Supply Chains


Guest Editors: Rameshwar Dubey


Deadline for submission: March 31, 2020

The Annals of Operations Research seeks submissions for a special issue on Design and Management of Humanitarian Supply Chains.


Instructions for authors can be found at:



Authors should submit a cover letter and a manuscript by March 31, 2020 via the Journal’s online submission site. Manuscripts submitted after the deadline may not be considered for the special issue and may be transferred to a regular issue.


Please see the Author Instructions on the web site if you have not yet submitted a paper through Springer's web-based system, Editorial Manager. Be sure to note when leaving a comment that your work is intended for the special issue and to select the article type S.I.: Design and Management of Humanitarian Supply Chains.


Annals of Operations Research


Special Issue: Call for Papers on Scalable Optimization and Decision-Making in Operations Research


Guest Editors: Jun Pei, Panos M. Pardalos


Deadline for submission: May 31, 2020

Widespread new development trends and characteristics in emerging information technology such as internet and big data technology are driving the technology revolution in almost all areas, including intelligentization, greenization, servitization.


Interconnections are becoming important for the development and revolution of the manufacturing industry and others. Interdisciplinary and networked innovative platforms are reforming the innovation system of many fields.


This special issue seeks to publish papers that examine significant scalable optimization and decision-making problems in operations research application areas. 


Authors who are interested in the above topics can submit their unpublished work. A clear indication of the motivation and comparison with prior related work should be presented. Simultaneous submission to a journal or other conferences with refereed proceedings is not allowed.

Instructions for authors can be found at: 



Authors should submit a cover letter and a manuscript by 31 May 2020 via the journal’s online submission site.


Be sure to leave a comment that your work is intended for the special issue and to select the article type “S.I.: Scalable Optimization and Decision-Making in OR.”



Special Issue: Call for Papers on Applications of Machine Learning in Big Data


Guest Editors: Miguel García-Torres, Federico Divina, Francisco A. Gómez Vela

Deadline for submission: May 31, 2020


In recent years, the rapid growth of storage technologies in combination with other factors, such as the development of mobile networks, the digital transformation of the society, and the emergence of new technologies, has enabled the generation of huge volume of data. This has led to information explosion. In the pursuit of finding patterns, machine learning techniques have shown to be of great utility. However, in this context, such techniques have to be adapted to handle a huge data volume.


This Special issue focuses on the design, adaptation, and implementation of machine learning techniques to the Big Data context for solving real-life problems, such as finance, health care, astrophysics, physics, geoscience, e-commerce, chemistry, life sciences, education, etc.


Manuscripts should be submitted online at www.mdpi.com by registering and logging in to this website. Once you are registered, click here to go to the submission form. Manuscripts can be submitted until the deadline. All papers will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be published continuously in the journal (as soon as accepted) and will be listed together on the special issue website. Research articles, review articles as well as short communications are invited. For planned papers, a title and short abstract (about 100 words) can be sent to the Editorial Office for announcement on this website.


Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere (except conference proceedings papers). All manuscripts are thoroughly refereed through a single-blind peer-review process. A guide for authors and other relevant information for submission of manuscripts is available on the Instructions for Authors page. Electronics is an international peer-reviewed open access monthly journal published by MDPI.


Please visit the Instructions for Authors page before submitting a manuscript. The Article Processing Charge (APC) for publication in this open access journal is 1400 CHF (Swiss Francs). Submitted papers should be well formatted and use good English. Authors may use MDPI's English editing service prior to publication or during author revisions.


INFORMS Journal on Management Science


Special Issue: Call for Papers on Business and Climate Change


Guest Editors: Rajesh Chandy, Glen Dowell, Colin Mayer, Erica Plambeck, George Serafeim, Michael Toffel, Beril Toktay, Elke Weber

Deadline for submission: November 30, 2020

Climate change poses major risks and opportunities for a wide array of companies and industries—and to society at large. Recent scientific and policy reports, including the U.S. National Climate Assessment and by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), provide increasingly alarming conclusions about the direness of the disruptions and displacements that climate change will elicit, especially under “business as usual” scenarios. Yet, far too little research is being conducted to provide the critical insights that companies and managers need to adjust how they plan, measure, site, forecast, innovate, develop products and services, and manage supply chains in light of opportunities to mitigate climate change and adapt to climate change’s physical consequences and regulatory changes. Management Science, given its wide recognition as a top journal across many disciplines and departments, seeks to stake a leadership position in addressing this deficit by spurring a wide array of scholars to conduct more rigorous and relevant research in this critical area.


The Special Issue seeks research that provides the insights that managers need to operate in a world in which climate change affects freshwater availability and quality, sea levels, ambient temperature and moisture, the frequency and intensity of hurricanes, drought, and floods, with disproportionate implications for more vulnerable populations and major changes in transportation and energy systems. Managers need to know how to effectively adjust how they plan, site, forecast, innovate, develop products and services, invest, finance, insure, and manage organizations and supply chains in light of opportunities to mitigate climate change (i.e., reduce its magnitude) and to adapt to climate change’s physical and social consequences and regulatory changes. Managers also need to identify and implement innovative approaches to mitigate emissions in manufacturing and services, transportation and energy systems, construction, and supply chains, as well as potentially via carbon sequestration and geoengineering.


Submission. Please submit your manuscript online via https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ms. In Step 1, select either “Special Issue on Business and Climate Change” or “Special Issue on Business and Climate Change - Fast Track” as the Manuscript Type. In Step 5, recommend at least three preferred Associate Editors (AEs), drawing from the current Management Science Editorial Board (which includes many AEs with expertise relevant to climate change) and from the following list of Guest AEs for the Special Issue. In Step 6, select your preferred special issue co-editor as a Department Editor. Reviews will be conducted on a rolling basis.


Prizes and Awards


VeRoLog Doctoral Dissertation Prize


VeRoLog DDP 2020 Announcement


The VeRoLog Doctoral Dissertation Prize (VeRoLog DDP) is issued by the EURO working group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics optimization (VeRoLog) and is awarded at each VeRoLog annual conference. The purpose of the prize is to distinguish an outstanding PhD thesis on Operational Research methods applied to the Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization. It will be awarded at the VeRoLog 2020 conference (Hamburg, June 15-17, 2020).


Eligibility of applications

The VeRoLog DDP 2020 jury will only consider PhD theses in Operational Research defended between 1 January

2019 and 31 December 2019. Nominations are NOT restricted to members of societies that belong to EURO.

To be considered, a dissertation should be nominated by the supervisor of the thesis (one of them in case of multiple supervisors). The supervisor of the dissertation is asked to provide the jury with the following information:

1. the text of the dissertation,

2. an extended abstract (up to 5 pages) of the dissertation; this abstract should be written in English,

3. if the dissertation is not written in English, a paper in English authored (or co-authored) by the author of the dissertation and describing the core ideas of the thesis. This paper should preferably have been published in or submitted to an international journal.

4. nomination letters (or reports) from two referees selected by the dissertation supervisor, supporting the submission and stating their assessment of why the thesis should win the award.

5. an up-to-date CV of the candidate, including a list of publications.

No nomination will be considered without these items.

All information should be sent in electronic form to the chairman of the jury, Prof. Juan José Salazar González using a compressed format (e.g. zip).

Since many PhD theses in OR are defended each year, the jury would like to remind supervisors that only outstanding pieces of work have a reasonable chance of winning the award.



The jury of VeRoLog DDP 2020 is:

1. Juan José Salazar González, Universidad de la Laguna, Spain (chair)

2. Karl Doerner, Universität Wien, Austria

3. Fabien Lehuédé, IMT- Atlantique, LS2N, Nantes, Nantes, France


Selection process

The members of the jury will study each application in detail. The jury evaluates the applications taking the following points into account:

• Originality and novelty of the subject,

• Pertinence of the subject for VeRoLog DDP;

• Depth and breadth of the results,

• Contributions of the dissertation to the theory and practice of OR applied to Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization,

• Applications and/or potential applicability of the results,

• Impact on related fields,

• Quality of the related publications.

The jury may decide not to assign the prize if no thesis reaches an adequate level of quality.



The prize consists in a certificate and a reward of Euro 500.



The deadline for submitting applications is February 3, 2020



Prof. Dr. Juan José Salazar González

E-mail: jjsalaza@ull.edu.es


Twelfth DIMACS Implementation Challenge: Vehicle Routing Problems. Held in Memory of David S. Johnson.

The Twelfth DIMACS Implementation Challenge is focused on solution approaches for Vehicle Routing Problems.


We invite all interested participants to subscribe to the mailing list




to receive all news concerning the Challenge.


The deadline for participating is September 2020 (more details on the website).

The Challenge will conclude with a workshop in Autumn 2020.


Looking forward to your contribution.


The Organizers:

Claudia Archetti

Catherine McGeoch

Jorge Mendoza

Panos Pardalos

Mauricio Resende

Eduardo Uchoa

Thibaut Vidal


Upcoming Conferences



Click on the table below to download a pdf of upcoming events



Contact Us


Do you have an item to be included in the next newsletter? Just contact us at office@euro-online.org. We reserve the right to edit submissions to suit the presentation and available space.




EURO makes every effort to ensure that the information in our newsletter is correct but we cannot guarantee that it is free of inaccuracies, errors and omissions. Content from any links made available from these articles are the responsibility of the author of that website.


EURO The Association of European Operational Research Societies | c/o Manager of EURO, PO Box 513, Meanwood, Leeds, LS6 9DT United Kingdom


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     [APDIO] OR in the Physical Internet at IFORS 2020
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     [APDIO] Optimization 2020
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     [APDIO] EURO Newsletter #61, May 09, 2018
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     [APDIO] EURO Online Seminar Series (OSS) and General Support Fund. Application deadlines 1st April 2025