Lab2PT is a multidisciplinary R&D unit composed by several scientific domains such as Architecture and Urbanism, History, Archaeology, Geography, Tourism, Design, Visual Arts and Geology.
The Individual Call is aimed at PhD holders of any nationality or stateless with a background in affiliated scientific areas who wish to develop their scientific research or technological development activity
in Portugal.
Applicants should indicate the host institution where they will develop their research plan. The selected doctorates are directly hired by the identified host institution, through FCT funding.
All those interested should contact Lab2PT, until February 10th, by email, to:, informing Lab2PT of their intention to apply and sending a CV and an initial a draft of the Project they wish to submit, in no more than two pages.
More information at ttps://
Secretariado do Lab2PT
Instituto de Ciências Sociais Escola de Arquitetura
Universidade do Minho Universidade do Minho
Campus de Gualtar Campus de Azurém
4710-057 Braga 4800-058 Guimarães
Description: Adobe PDF document
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