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[Archport] PhD scholarship opportunity at the University of Barcelona. Artsoundscapes project. Deadline 25 June

Subject :   [Archport] PhD scholarship opportunity at the University of Barcelona. Artsoundscapes project. Deadline 25 June
From :   Vera Moitinho <>
Date :   Thu, 29 Apr 2021 14:17:17 +0100

Caros archportianos,

Partilho a seguinte informação, pode ser que interesse a alguma pessoa nesta lista (ou conhecida).

Vera Moitinho de Almeida


The Artsoundscapes project is searching for suitable candidates to offer a PhD scholarship at the University of Barcelona. The scholarship will be for one full-time graduate-level research post for three academic years starting in October 2021. 

Candidates with some of the following elements in their CVs will be favourably considered: 

• Very good UG and MA degree results 

• MA thesis on a topic related to prehistoric archaeology 

• Good knowledge of English (B2 level or higher) 

• Experience in rock art or other archaeological fieldwork 

• Knowledge of programmes such as GIS, adobe photoshop, and others. 

• Previous attendance to archaeological conferences 

• Publications 


The Artsoundscapes project works or will work in the following areas of the world 

·         California and Baja California 

·         Spain 

·         Southern Africa 

·         Siberia, especially Altai 



If you are interested in this opportunity, please send an email to with a CV and a motivation letter. Information to include in the letter: 1/ why you are interested in this opportunity and 2/ what type of research you would propose for your PhD thesis, given the scope of the project. 

Deadline: 25 June. Interviews will take place on the week of 28 June. 

Please, note that this is a pre-selection. Pre-selected candidates will be asked to provide further information and references and, at the end of the process, officially apply through Euraxess on the due date 


Best wishes


The Artsoundscapes Project  

Universitat de Barcelona 

Departament d'Història i Arqueologia 

Carrer de Montalegre, 6 

08001 Barcelona

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