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[Archport] EAA sessão 45 - “Becoming Roman: the role of biological resources in the expansion of new economic and cultural models throughout the empire

Subject :   [Archport] EAA sessão 45 - “Becoming Roman: the role of biological resources in the expansion of new economic and cultural models throughout the empire
From :   Joao Tereso <>
Date :   Wed, 12 Jan 2022 23:33:16 +0000

Gostaríamos de convidá-los a participar na sessão EAA #45 - Becoming Roman: the role of biological resources in the expansion of new economic and cultural models throughout the empire”

Com esta sessão pretendemos abordar a exploração dos recursos biológicos no Período Romano a nível local e regional e compreender o seu papel no quadro do novo modelo de exploração económica e territorial imposto pelo Império Romano, desde o século II a.C. ao século V d.C.

A sessão está aberta a uma grande variedade de estudos, integrando abordagens arqueobotânicas, zooarqueológicas, de ADN antigo e análises isotópicas, entre outras, diretamente associadas a recursos de origem biológica. Estratégias de subsistência, tecnologias agrícolas, comércio, distribuição de espécies, introdução, melhoramento/seleção de animais e plantas domésticos e seu papel em rituais e outras atividades culturais/sociais são alguns dos temas que podem ser abordados. Estudos centrados em outros produtos biológicos, como mel, fungos, animais e plantas silvestres também são bem-vindos, assim como análises ao impacto ambiental das atividades produtivas.

Serão privilegiadas sínteses regionais ou geograficamente mais amplas, mas estudos locais interdisciplinares e altamente informativos também serão aceites.

Podem enviar os vossos resumos até quinta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2022, 23:59 CET, através do site da conferência


Agradecemos a divulgação desta informação junto dos vossos contactos.

Abaixo encontrarão o resumo da sessão.


4. Polis, Empire, League and Beyond – Living in Interconnected Societies


Session format:

Regular session


Session #45:

Becoming Roman: the role of biological resources in the expansion of new economic and cultural models throughout the empire - Call for papers



João Tereso (Portugal), Cleia Detry (Portugal), Filipe Vaz (Portugal), Leonor Peña-Chocarro (Spain), Silvia Valenzuela-Lamas (Spain)



The expansion of the Roman Empire was a gradual process and far more encompassing than a mere military conquest: it also corresponded to the dissemination of novel cultural, religious and economic models. The introduction of new agricultural and husbandry practices, foodstuffs and other biological resources were fundamental steps of this process.

However, the de facto implementation of the modus romanus throughout a vast and diverse territory, inhabited by a wide variety of communities with distinct backgrounds and identities, was particularly complex and varied. Thus, understanding the regional or provincial specificities is crucial to properly access and characterize the impacts of the roman administration among the everyday life of indigenous communities. 

In this session, we aim to explore how biological resources were exploited by indigenous communities, at local and regional levels, and to understand their role within the framework of the new economical and territorial exploration model imposed by the Roman Empire from the 2nd century BC to the 5th century AD. A wide variety of studies are thus welcomed, namely archaeobotanical, zooarchaeological, ancient DNA and isotopic analysis, as well as other proxy directly associated with biological resources.

Papers should focus all themes associated with plant and animal remains such as subsistence strategies, agricultural technical aspects, trade, species distribution, introduction, improvement/selection and their role in rituals and other cultural/social activities. Approaches addressing other rarer biological products such as honey, fungi, wild animals and plants, as well as these activities impacts in the perceivable environment are also welcomed. Regional or broader synthesis are preferred but interdisciplinary and highly informative site-studies will also be accepted.



João Pedro Vicente Tereso

InBIO - Rede de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Biologia Evolutiva, Laboratório Associado
CIBIO - Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, Universidade do Porto
UNIARQ - Centro de Arqueologia da Universidade de Lisboa
MHNC - UP - Museu de História Natural e da Ciência da Universidade do Porto 

InBIO- Research Network in Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology (Associate Laboratory)
CIBIO - Research Center In Biodiversity and Genetic Resources/University of Porto
Centre for Archaeology. UNIARQ. School of Arts and Humanities. University of Lisbon
MHNC - UP - Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto

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