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[Archport] The Archaeology of Roman Portugal in its Western Mediterranean Context

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Subject :   [Archport] The Archaeology of Roman Portugal in its Western Mediterranean Context
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Date :   Fri, 8 Jul 2022 16:04:32 +0100

A prestigiada editora Oxbow Books acaba de publicar o volume The Archaeology of Roman Portugal in its Western Mediterranean Context

Este volume reúne alguns contributos apresentados no congresso realizado na Universidade de Leiden em 2018, materializando a parceria iniciada no Fronteira Landscape Project. 

Este programa resultou de uma colaboração entre a Universidade de Évora e a Universiteit Leiden (NED) para um projecto comum de análise da Arqueologia do Povoamento em época romana centrada no Município de Fronteira (Alto Alentejo). Com o decorrer do projecto verificou-se que seria importante criar um enquadramento mais amplo das problemáticas da conquista e integração dos territórios do Sudoeste peninsular no Império Romano, pelo que se organizou um congresso, reunindo especialistas trabalhando em distintos territórios da Hispânia.


Como este tem sido um espaço geográfico pouco divulgado e conhecido entre os investigadores centro-europeus e anglófonos, pretende-se que o presente volume atinja um público de ampla difusão internacional.


O índice do volume é o seguinte:


Tesse D. Stek and André Carneiro


I. Contested landscapes: between pre-Roman polities and early Roman encroachment

1. Exploring Rome’s early military deployment strategies in the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula

Jordi Principal and Carles Padrós Gómez

2. Late Iron Age and early Roman conflict and interaction in southern Callaecia (north-west Iberia)

João Fonte

3. Towers, territory, and the negotiation of a colonial landscape in the early Roman Central Alentejo

Joey Williams, Rui Mataloto, and Karilyn Sheldon

4. The last frontier: Late Iron Age society, Roman conquest, and the Romanisation of the territory north of the River Duero

Jesús García Sánchez


II. Economic targets: integrating and energising resources

5. Upgrading town appearances: relating white marble exploitation and town development in Roman Lusitania

Devi Taelman

6. Shifting landscapes: change and adaptation in the Lusitanian territory during the first globalisation

André Carneiro

7. Adding complexity to a complex world: the role of tableware imports in Portugal during the 2nd and 1st centuries BC

Vincenzo Soria


III. Cities and hillforts: settlement organisation in the Roman west

8. Land-use and settlement patterns around Ercavica in Antiquity: initial findings

Miguel Ángel Valero Tévar

9. Understanding the town-territory relationship: a case study from Lusitania

Cristina Corsi

10. Why would we need a city? The dispersed civitates in Lusitania

Pieter Houten

11. Roman rural life in the far west: the case study of the Serena Region (Badajoz, Spain)

Victorino Mayoral Herrera, Martina Cecilia Parini, and Luis Sevillano Perea


IV. Local religious and cultural identity

12. The role of cult places in shaping landscapes during the Roman expansion: an Iberian perspective on a Mediterranean process

Ignasi Grau Mira

      13. Men, women, children, animals: the votive statuary from the sanctuary of Endovellicus at São Miguel da Mota/Alandroal (Portugal)

Thomas G. Schattner

      14. Romanising the mountains? Exploring cultural change through archaeological spatial analysis in western Sierra Morena (Spain)

Maria del Carmen Moreno Escobar

15. Oppida and public spaces: constructing identities in Late Iron Age and early Roman north-west Iberia

Manuel Fernández-Götz and Marco V. García Quintela

16. Funerary practices and material culture: a ‘portrait from life’ in the fields of Lusitania

Mónica Rolo


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