Boa Tarde! O Prof. Vito Limone foi meu colega em Roma no Instituto Patrístico Augustinianum. Propõe esta bolsa para um doutoramento sobre o valor da vida humana num diálogo entre cristianismo e filosofia. Como intersecta cristianismo e filosofia nos
primeiros séculos e antiguidade tardia, pode ser que haja alguém interessado. Neste sentido, pede-se divulgação. Com os melhores cumprimentos, Isabel Maria Alçada Cardoso Obter o Outlook para iOS De: <> Doctoral Position, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan
The Faculty of Philosophy at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, is seeking applications for the PhD Course in Philosophy, coordinated by Professor Massimo
Reichlin, for the academic year 2020-2021.
One of three-year doctoral research fellowships offered by the Vita-Salute
San Raffaele University is fully-funded by the Center for Patristic Studies “Genesis” and is about the topic: The Value of Human Life: A Dialogue between Christianity and Philosophy, tutored by Dr. Vito Limone, who specializes in late antiquity
and early Christianity.
The deadline for applications is July, 27th (1.00 p.m.).
For information regarding prerequisites, program details, duties, and instructions for application, please click here.
Please address any queries either to the PhD Office (
or to Dr. Vito Limone ( Ce message vous est envoyé par le canal du service d'informations de l'AIEP-IAPS. L'AIEP-IAPS n'est pas responsable des informations ou des annonces de réunions communiquées. Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez contacter l'organisateur directement.
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