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[Museum] NEMO Climate Survey / Portuguese Museums

To :   museum <>
Subject :   [Museum] NEMO Climate Survey / Portuguese Museums
From :   "Acesso Cultura | Maria Vlachou" <>
Date :   Sun, 22 May 2022 23:22:47 +0100

Caros colegas,

Reencaminhamos o email do NEMO - Network of European Museum Organisations. Tem havido poucas respostas de museus portugueses e a nossa colaboração é fundamental.

Com base nas respostas ao inquérito, o NEMO desenvolverá recomendações para os responsáveis por políticas públicas e ajudará a orientar o sector em direcção a um futuro sustentável.

Um abraço,
Maria Vlachou
Acesso Cultura | Directora Executiva
Tlm. (+351) 917 510 659

Invitation to NEMO survey on museums and climate change  

Dear member, 

Over the last months, NEMO has developed a survey that will reflect the status quo of European museums’ journey towards sustainability in a time of climate emergency. With a comprehensive overview, NEMO will develop recommendations for policy makers that will help steer the museum sector towards a green and sustainable future. 


On 22 April 2022, NEMO published the survey and we invite you to take it and share it with your colleagues. We also rely on you as our national representative to encourage museums in your country to participate in the survey and to spread it as widely as possible. The policy recommendations will have the best and most accurate effect when Europe's museums are equally represented in the survey responses. Also, we will be able to provide you with a national overview of data harnessed from your country. So by activating as many museums as possible to take the survey, you will be able to access more precise data about the status quo in your country. 

You will find more information, helpful links and suggested texts for the dissemination of the survey in the attached document. Feel free to use the attached picture. 


If you think it might be beneficial for your members, we suggest including information about using the Google Chrome web browser to use the integrated Google Translate tool to read the questions in another language. 

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with questions. 


Best of wishes, 
The NEMO office 



Julia Pagel

Secretary General

NEMO - The Network of European Museum Organisations

Karl-Marx-Platz 12

12043 Berlin



Connect with NEMO on facebook and twitter and LinkedIn!




Attachment: Dissemination kit.docx
Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document

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