Re: [Thedu] THedu'12 - submission of a workshop proposal
On Mon, 10 Oct 2011, Walther Neuper wrote:
*) THedu'12 at CICM or IJCAR: Both appear appropriate in content, both
seem to have many personal interconnections to members of the THedu
interest group; the set of PCs' intersections gives a singleton:
Makarius in MKM (\in CICM). Since I cannot estimate the probability of
rejection, I suggest to apply for both.
As someone involved in the PC and board of trustees of MKM/Calculemus
(what is now CICM), I am quite sure that Thedu would be accepted as a
workshop on CICM.
So you really should make up your mind independently, if you want to go
there to IJCAR.
One minor / potential reason *against* CICM came to my mind shortly after
the discussion this summer: On CICM 2012 there will most likely be UITP
2012 as a workshop ("User interfaces for theorem provers") maybe as a
merger with former MathUI ("Mathematical user-interfaces"), and there
might be some overlap in the PC and community behind this and THedu.
On the other hand, my impression at CADE/THedu was that most presenters
were somehow "guests" on that conference, including myself.