Dear Pedro,
first, I have to apologize for my long silence, but I was kept away from
my mail the last week.
So, to get to the core issue:
Florian toggles between his jobs inside and outside the academic world,
so I know the messages delivered by his mail account at TUM.
Our last agreement with Florian was, that his contribution to THedu as a
PC member would depend on whether he is "inside" or "outside" at the
respective time --- I appreciate prolongation of this agreement.
To be more precise, I have an almost full-time profession outside the
academic world (cf., and apart from
that I manage to spend a few hours a week on the Isabelle system,
concentrating on system engineering rather than scientific issues.
This is, shortly, not a situation which would allow me to take any
responsibilites or liabilities of proper academic work, e.g. engage into
scientific events or publications, although I still follow certain
things with interest »from outside«, but not more.
So, I don't see any chance to occupy the position of a PC member, and I
don't have strong feelings about me still being a »zombie« member of
THedu PC.
All the best,