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[Thedu] THedu future

Subject :   [Thedu] THedu future
From :   Walther Neuper <>
Date :   Mon, 04 Jun 2012 13:16:56 +0200

Dear Burkhart, dear Pedro,
dear colleagues from Deducation,

some of you might get this mail only once: then you either miss news from Deducation-discussions or you miss news from THedu-discussions ---

# Burkhart Wolff states
I welcome some debate on the failure of Deducation - and a debate
on what conclusions should be drawn.
# Pedro Quaresma suggests
B) To enlarge the set of members of our interest group (even from
outside EU).

I've sent (maybe too late) a personal letter to other researchers:
Loïc Pottier, Frederique Guilhot, Yves Bertot, Jurgen Richter-Gebert,
Ulrich Kortenkamp, Sean Wilson, Jacques D. Fleuriot, Xiao-Shan Gao,
Shang-Ching Chou, Zheng Ye.

Can you suggest/contact others? This is an important issue.

Burkhart and Pedro, couldn't the discussions be joined within the (fairly coincident) groups ? And who are the members of these groups ?


PS: There are remarkable activities in Serbia going to a similar direction (the addressee is one of the leading mathematics educators):

Dear Professor Weigand,

as organisers of the Working Group eduTPS [1] at CADGME we look forward with great interest to your talks in Novi Sad:

Your abstract addresses "a vision for the development (of CAS) in the upcoming years" --- while eduTPS addresses novel developments, too, contributed by Theorem-Prover (TP) based technology [2].

Thus we would be particularly interested in your personal opinions in this Working Group!

With kind regards,
Filip Maric

Working Group eduTPS:

List of contributions to eduTPS:
=== Session 1:
5. Francisco Botana, Zoltán Kovács, Tomás Recio and Simon Weitzhofer
Implementing theorem proving in GeoGebra by using various methods

6. Ivan Petrovic, Zoltán Kovács, Simon Weitzhofer, Markus Hohenwarter
and Predrag Janicic
Extending GeoGebra with Automated Theorem Proving by using OpenGeoProver

24. Walther Neuper
Announcement for an upcoming generation of TP-based educational
mathematics assistants

=== Session 2:
28. Milena Marić and Filip Marić
Stereos: A Language for Describing Stereometric Constructions

16. Rein Prank
Towards automatic evaluation of expediency of steps in algebraic

23. Vanda Santos and Pedro Quaresma
Collaborative Aspects of the WGL Project

=== Session 3:
19. Irena Štrausová and Roman Hašek
Visualization of proofs using dynamic software

31. Milena Marić and Predrag Janičić
Using GCLC System and its Theorem Provers for Teaching Geometry in
Secondary Schools

26. Zlatan Magajna
Automated observation of properties of dynamic constructions

=== Session 4:
20. Jakub Jares and Pavel Pech Exploring loci of points by DGS and CAS

33. Gabriella Daroczy and Walther Neuper
Cognitive Science meets Computer Mathematics. A Case Study in

38. Jan Rocnik and Walther Neuper
Interactive Course Material by TP-based Programming. A Case Study.

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