Dear members of the THedu Board [1], Deadline for proposal submissions for workshops at CICM [2] is January 28. Are there ideas about submitting a proposal ? Walther [1] [2] On 09/19/2012 06:27 PM, Pedro Quaresma wrote:
Dear THeduers Some days ago I received the "CALL FOR WORKSHOPS, TUTORIALS AND SYSTEM COMPETITIONS CADE-24" reminding me that it is time to think about THedu, namely in THedu13. Unfortunately (or not) this year I will be in the local organization of "Logic Colloquium 2013" in Évora, Portugal and I'm unable to dedicate the time needed to organize THedu13. So I'm asking you to take over of the organization. I can help, for instance with the Web-page but that's all. Yours sincerely,
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