Re: [Thedu] THedu 13 ???
Em Sexta, 4 de Janeiro de 2013, Walther Neuper escreveu:
> Dear members of the THedu Board [1],
> Deadline for proposal submissions for workshops at CICM [2] is January 28.
> Are there ideas about submitting a proposal ?
I'm planning to go to CICM 2013, so I can use that to be there for THedu13
but, as I already said I'm in the organization of the Logic Colloquium 2013,
Évora, Portugal, July 22-27 so... apart from small contribution I cannot help
Any ideas for submissions? Any volunteer for the the organizing committee?
If there are some positive answers to those questions I can help (Web-page,
connection with local organization (in Bath)),
> Walther
> [1]
> [2]
> On 09/19/2012 06:27 PM, Pedro Quaresma wrote:
> > Dear THeduers
> >
> > Some days ago I received the "CALL FOR WORKSHOPS, TUTORIALS AND SYSTEM
> > COMPETITIONS CADE-24" reminding me that it is time to think about THedu,
> > namely in THedu13.
> >
> > Unfortunately (or not) this year I will be in the local organization of
> > "Logic Colloquium 2013" in Évora, Portugal and I'm unable to dedicate
> > the time needed to organize THedu13.
> >
> > So I'm asking you to take over of the organization.
> >
> > I can help, for instance with the Web-page but that's all.
> >
> > Yours sincerely,
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At\'e breve;Deica Logo;\`A bient\^ot;See you later;Vidimo se;
Professor Auxiliar Pedro Quaresma
Departamento de Matem\'atica, Faculdade de Ci\^encias e Tecnologia
Universidade de Coimbra
telef: +351 239 791 137; fax: +351 239 832 568