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[ThEdu] ThEdus By-laws

To :   ThEdu's mailing list <>
Subject :   [ThEdu] ThEdus By-laws
From :   Pedro Quaresma <>
Date :   Wed, 27 Jul 2022 19:58:39 +0100

Dear ThEduers

As said in the introduction of the by-laws

"The motivation for these by-laws is to guide the future directions and governance of the Theorem-proving components for Educational software (ThEdu) Workshop series. Ultimately, we hope to build a community of researchers and practitioners centred around the aims of the previous ThEdus,"

So we submit to your consideration the following text (a PDF version will be placed in the Web page,


João Marcos, Walther Neuper and Pedro Quaresma


By-laws  of  the  "Theorem-proving  components  for  Educational
                             software  (ThEdu)"  Interest  Group

     The motivation for these by-laws is to guide the future
directions and governance of the Theorem-proving components for
Educational software (ThEdu) Workshop series.  Ultimately, we hope to
build a community of researchers and practitioners centred around the
aims of the previous ThEdus, namely "to bring together experts in
automated deduction with experts in education in order to further
clarify the shape of the new software generation and to discuss
existing systems".  Experts working on topics such as:

     # proof and proving in mathematics education;

     # methods of automated deduction applied to checking students'

     # methods of automated deduction applied to prove post-conditions
        for particular problem solutions;

     # combinations of deduction and computation enabling systems to
        propose next steps;

     # automatic/interactive provers applied to education.

     To build such a community, we need continuity and some rules
governing the central activity of any research community, namely, the
ThEdu workshop.  The following proposal is based on, and consistent
with, the historical patterns observed in the first ten ThEdu (from
2011 to 2021).  The proposal is deliberately minimal and
under-specified.  Therefore, their interpretations should be guided by
historical patterns.

By-law 1: Organisation Each ThEdu Workshop shall have the following
organisational positions:

     # General Chair

     # Program Chair

     # The Steering Committee

     # Program Committee

     In between workshops the Steering Committee is the governing body
of the ThEdu Interest Group.  Chair, could also mean Co-chairs. If
needed a local Chair could be added to this structure for the purpose
of the organisation of a given ThEdu Workshop.

By-law 2:  Collocation

    1.  The preferred collocation of ThEdu is the CADE conference (or
        umbrella conferences containing CADE, e.g.  IJCAR, FLoC).

By-law 3:  Appointments

     The initial appointments, for ThEdu'22, are: General Chair: Pedro
Quaresma, University of Coimbra; Program Chair: Walther Neuper,
Johannes Kepler University Linz; Steering Committee: Pedro Quaresma,
Walther Neuper and João Marcos, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do

    1.  The Steering Committee shall consist of the General Chair,
        Program Chair and any other members that they shall appoint.

    2.  After the workshop, the Steering Committee appoints the
        General Chair for the next workshop.

    3.  The General Chair, in consultation with the Steering
        Committee, appoints the Program Chair and, eventually, the
        Local Chair.

    4.  The Program Chair, in consultation with the General Chair and
        the Steering Commit- tee, appoints the Program Committee

By-law 4:  Duties

    1.  The General Chair, in collaboration with the Local Chair, will
        hold a ThEdu business meeting during each Workshop.

    2.  The General Chair for the next workshop, should prepare a
        ThEdu workshop proposal, to be submitted to the conference to
        which the workshop will be collocated.

    3.  The Steering Committee and the Local Chair shall maintain, for
        each workshop, the corresponding ThEdu website, including
        links to previous ThEdu Websites.

    4.  The General Chair, in collaboration with the Local Chair,
        should publicise the Workshop through the appropriate
        channels, e.g.  the Association for Automated Reasoning (AAR)

    5.  The Steering Committee, with the collaboration of the Local
        Chair, should manage the ThEdu's mailing list, with the names
        of authors and attendees of past ThEdu workshops.

By-law 5:  Amendments

    1.  The by-laws can be amended by ballot between workshop, given a
        proposal by the Steering Committee.  A simple majority is
        enough for approval.

    2.  Persons who have registered for at least one of the three
        preceding ThEdu workshops are eligible to vote.

    3.  The ballot will be run by the Steering Committee.

ThEdu'22, 11 of August of 2022, Haifa, Israel.



At\'e breve;Deica Logo;\`A bient\^ot;See you later;Vidimo se;A tra poco;Do zobaczenia

Professor Pedro Quaresma
Mathematics Departament, Science and Technology Faculty
University of Coimbra
Elec. mail:
phone: +351 239 791 137; fax: +351 239 832 568

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