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[Archport] Last call - Exceptionally, we are accepting proposals of papers for this session of TAG Exeter until the 6th October - please spread this news - thanks

•   To: Vítor Oliveira Jorge <vojorge@clix.pt>
•   Subject: [Archport] Last call - Exceptionally, we are accepting proposals of papers for this session of TAG Exeter until the 6th October - please spread this news - thanks
•   From: Vítor Oliveira Jorge <vojorge@clix.pt>
•   Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2006 07:01:23 +0100

Title: Last call - Exceptionally, we are accepting proposals of papers for this session of TAG Exeter until the 6th October - please spread this news - thanks
This session will include c. 16 papers (one day session) to be presented orally.
Papers may be accepted for publication only.
Please read abstract with attention and try to fit your proposals to the philosophical underpinnings of the session.
Thanks to all.

Overcoming the Modern Invention of Material Culture
Prof. Julian Thomas (Manchester) (julian.thomas@manchester.ac.uk) and Prof. Vitor Oliveira Jorge (Porto) (vojorge@clix.pt)

Discussant: Prof. Tim Ingold (Aberdeen)

The idea of culture, as something distinct to, and opposed from nature, is an intellectual construct that prevents us to understand human experience: not only ours, but other©ˆs. Yet, our thought is impregnated with that dichotomy and its ramifications. For instance, the distinction between spiritual and material aspects of life, which lead to the common _expression_ ©&hibar;material culture©˜. Another concept whose discussion is needed is technology, because it operates as a sort of abstract bridge between two other invented margins - influencing themselves mutually through action - the mental and the practical. We need to dissolve these boundaries in order to acquire a more effective knowledge. A knowledge which gives account of common experience, instead of being separated from it. This is a pre-condition of an interesting archaeology. An archaeology released from traditionally invented divisions between past and present, or artifacts and bodies. An archaeology turned into the study of ©&hibar;the formation of the environment of our living-in.©˜ (T. Ingold).

This session - open to archaeologists, anthropologists, architects, artists and other colleagues interested - intend to departure from the idea that in reality nothing is motionless. People and things constantly make each other in an environment where multiple beings and qualities exist together, and interact. This comprehension is fundamental for the understanding of sociality, and the ways by which power and status are continuously negotiated in everyday life.

-  All the selected papers, even if not presented orally in the session (which is only a half a day one) for schedule reasons will be published in the next issue (vol. 9/10, 2006/2007) of the Journal of Iberian Archaeology, published by ADECAP, Porto. This peer reviewed journal is spread internationally through Portico Librerías, Zaragoza, Spain. The former issue, Vol. 8, has published the proceedings of the session on prehistoric and proto-historic architectures of the TAG meeting - Sheffield 2005 and was recently available at the XV UISPP Congress, Lisbon
-  Dead-line for the authors to send the papers for publication: 16th February 2007.
We accept papers with around 10-15 pages of text (5.000-7.500 words) and a maximum of 4 pages of black and white figures. Figures shall have no copyright problems. Every paper shall include a short abstract and 3 keywords. The format of the text/pages of images is 18 X 12 cm.
-  The final publication needs to be ready to be launched in Porto (Faculty of Arts) on the 23th March 2007.

Vítor Oliveira Jorge
Prof. Univ. Porto

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     [Archport] Last call for papers