A pedido da Doutora Bridgman envio informação sobre um cngresso em Exeter. Com os melhores cumprimentos Susana Gómez Campo Arqueológico de Mértola Rua Dr. António José de Almeida, 1-3 7750-353 Mértola (PORTUGAL) Tel. +351 286612443 Fax +351 286611089 susanagomez@sapo.pt www.camertola.pt Dear colleagues,I wish to invite you to give papers at the session I am organising at the forthcoming Society for the Medieval Mediterranean conference in July 2009 at Exeter University (see http://huss.exeter.ac.uk/iais/all-events/conferences/smm-conf.php).
The session is entitled "Trading Places: the Movement of Material Culture in the Medieval Mediterranean" and will include papers on research into material culture which further our understanding of trade and exchange in the Medieval Mediterranean. Please see attached abstract for further details.
Please send any abstracts directly to me by 28th April 2009. I apologise for the tight deadline, please contact me if you are interested in giving a paper but are uable to meet this deadline.
Best wishes, Rebecca Bridgman Research Assistant for Islamic Pottery Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge ----- Finalizar mensagem encaminhada -----
Material Culture and Trade in the Medieval Mediterranean.doc
Description: Material Culture and Trade in the Medieval Mediterranean.doc
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