Ora viva ,
Segue o seguinte artigo da Science 14 October 2011:
Vol. 334 no. 6053 pp. 190-193
DOI: 10.1126/science.1207701
The Diets of Early Hominins
Peter S. Ungar, Matt Sponheimer
Diet changes are considered key events in human evolution. Most studies of early hominin diets focused on tooth size, shape, and craniomandibular morphology, as well as stone tools and butchered animal bones. However, in recent years, dental microwear and stable isotope analyses have hinted at unexpected diversity and complexity in early hominin diets. Some traditional ideas have held; others, such as an increasing reliance on hard-object feeding and a dichotomy between Australopithecus and Paranthropus, have been challenged. The first known evidence of C4 plant (tropical grasses and sedges) and hard-object (e.g., seeds and nuts) consumption dates to millions of years after the appearance of the earliest probable hominins, and there are no consistent trends in diet change among these species through time.
a) Já podem descarregar em pdf os artigos do número 6 da revista Trastámara, os quais estão disponíveis na página da revista da internet: http://www.everyoneweb.es/trastamara/
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c) Já está disponível a revista número 15 da Revista de História da Arte e da Arqueologia lá do Brasil: